Sample Content Preview
Private label content comes in many different forms. You can find everything from eBooks, reports and articles, to complete “business in a box” packages that include sales pages, lead magnets and even back-end products.
The problem isn’t in finding PLR. The trouble is in knowing exactly how to make money with it so you can maximize your profits!
We’ve personally used private label content in many different ways over the years, and if done correctly, PLR can ultimately maximize your income with very little time and effort on your part.
But before we begin, it’s important to understand that not all private label content is created equal.
The key to making money with PLR is to choose the best quality content possible. You then make simple tweaks and modifications to the content, and in the end, you end up with a polished, market-ready package that your customers will gladly pay for.
Private label content is one of the easiest ways to generate more content, which equates to more money.
After all, the more content you can put out there, the easier it gets to attract leads, subscribers and customers. Content powers everything from marketing campaigns, membership sites, to backend systems.
Whether you’re a blogger, affiliate marketer or developer, you need fresh, targeted content that speaks to your audience and furthers your brand.
The problem is, creating content for your business can be incredibly time consuming. Sure, you could outsource it to professional freelance writers, but if you’re on a limited budget that isn’t always an option.
Private label content is an easy, cost-effective way to get this done.
PLR allows you to take someone else’s creation and brand it entirely as your own.
Better yet, you can often price it however you wish, use the content in many different ways, including membership sites, blogs and back-end systems.
It’s not only one of the easiest ways to maximize your income, but it’s also one of the fastest ways to kick-start a new business, marketing campaign, or to test out the waters in an unfamiliar niche.
In this special report, you’ll learn all about buying PLR content from qualified content specialists, and then selling that content at a much higher cost, while continuously extending your sales funnel so that you’re able to quickly maximize your income and set yourself up for long-term success.
Let’s begin!
Understanding License Terms
When you purchase private label content, it’s very important that you completely understand the terms of your license.
Even though PLR should always come with the option to edit the content and add your name and brand to the material, when it comes to distribution there are sometimes restrictions in place.
Understanding exactly what your license allows you to do before you even begin to use the content is extremely important. You never want to risk any potential legal issues by utilizing PLR content in a way that goes against the developer’s terms and licensing restrictions.
Some of the things you want to pay close attention to when purchasing private label content include:
Whether you can edit the content.
PLR should always give you the option to customize the content, add your name, website URL and other branding information.
If you purchase content that doesn’t allow modifications, it’s usually called “Resale Rights” licensing, or “Master Resale Rights”. Still, it’s important to be sure, even if they provide you with the DOC/source file.
Claim Authorship.
Private label usually permits that the buyer to claim authorship, meaning that you can put your name on the content as though you were the original creator. Most other license types, such as RR (resell rights), or MRR (master resell rights) do not.
How the content can be used.
Never assume that PLR content can be distributed, sold and used in every way imaginable. Always check your license for information on any distribution restrictions (such as not being permitted to publish on Amazon, or other marketplaces), as well as any pricing restrictions.
Price Restrictions.
You may also want to pay attention to whether the seller has set a minimum price. Some sellers request that you do not sell the material below a set minimum to preserve the quality of the content. While this can’t typically be enforced legally, it’s always best if you follow the seller’s wishes. If you don’t like their license terms, find another PLR seller.
And speaking of licensing, whenever you purchase PLR, you should always be provided with a detailed, comprehensive license that leaves nothing to guesswork. If you can’t find a license in your package, reach out to the developer and ask for a copy.
Just the same, if you are ever confused or unsure about the terms of your license, take a minute to contact the developer before you begin to use the content.
Not all private label content offers the same licensing options, so it’s always important to confirm with the developer prior to using the material.
For example, there are many different forms of licensing, including:
Personal (non-transferable) Private Label:
With this license, you’re typically allowed to sell the content under your own brand, but you are not permitted to pass on those rights to anyone else.
Transferable Private Label:
These licenses often allow you to pass on private label rights to your customers.
Unrestricted Private Label:
This type of PLR license is the most flexible, often allowing you to do whatever you want with the content.
In addition, certain PLR developers will allow you to even give PLR away, provided within a membership site and not offered publically, while other developers don’t allow the content to be given away, requiring that it be sold.
The Value of PLR
Now that you better understand the difference licenses often attached to private label content, I want to take a closer look at the kind of private label content that will make you the most money, as well as PLR that is best to avoid.
To start, you should never buy private label content that comes with an “unrestricted” license.
An unrestricted PLR license means that you can do virtually anything you want to do with the content. You could give it away, sell it, share PLR rights with your customers, and distribute it openly and freely.
It’s easy to see what the problem is with this kind of license, right?
There’s no value in it!
You won’t be able to convince people to purchase this kind of content from you, if they’re able to find it on hundreds of other websites for free. There’s no quality control in place. And that means it’s not going to help you further brand awareness, or even be content that you’ll want to attach your name to. So, avoid unrestricted PLR whenever possible. There are far better licensing options available.
On the flip side, the highest quality private label will only offer a limited number of PLR licenses. This means that you’ll be one of only a handful of buyers to ever have a license to use this content. You won’t deal with an overload of competition, or worry about your ability to sell the content because it won’t be found freely online, or distributed by thousands of other sellers.
If you can find a high-quality PLR developer offering fewer than 100 licenses, grab a copy. This will be the absolute best license you can find, and it’ll be much easier to sell the content and rebrand it as your own.
You also want to make sure that the PLR you purchase cannot be given away. It should always have to be sold. The only exception to this is when purchasing a lead magnet PLR package.
Lead magnet PLR packages typically include a front-end report that people can use as an incentive to convert visitors into subscribers.
While you still want to make sure that there are only a limited number of licenses being offered so that there isn’t a high number of copies in circulation, these PLR packages can be an easy way to set up lead pages quickly and easily.
For example, https://www.swabd.com/monthly-plr-lead-magnets-package gives you the opportunity to make money reselling access to fresh new lead magnets every single month. People absolutely love these packages because they come with private label rights, allowing them to modify the content and use it to convert visitors into subscribers.
You could easily make money by becoming a reseller of a website like this, and better yet, you don’t have to spend time creating a membership site of your own because you simply direct your customers to your own sign up links, they pay you directly, and then they are automatically redirected to the lead magnet download center.
Regardless of how you decide to monetize private label content, when it comes to your licensing rights, you want to purchase PLR content that allows you to:
Sell It (with personal rights only, non-transferable)
With these licensing rights, you will be able to sell personal rights to the completed product, but will not be able to sell the content with private label rights to others.
This is exactly what you want because you are not interested in giving your customers the right to pass on the material to other people, but instead, they are purchasing a copy of a finished product for personal use only.