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Some people have the habit of looking at their goal as the main thing they need to accomplish. They may even look at it as the only thing they need to accomplish. If this sounds like you, you are missing something very important which can increase your productivity. If you look at each and every task which you need to complete in order to attain your goal as something very important in itself, your progress will be much smoother and you will get more done.
One good way to think about this is in terms of building a house. If you think only about the completed house, you are missing all of the steps along the way. There are many steps necessary for building a house. None can be skipped or done poorly if you want the house to be strong and in excellent condition when it is finished.
The goals you have in your work life are similar. Regardless of what your particular goal consists of, there are a number of steps which need to be done in order to achieve it. For the best possible results, each task along the way requires your time, effort, work, and concentration.
If you have a very important goal ahead of you, you may be tempted to short some of the tasks in between. You may even have the idea that rushing through your tasks will help you to reach the final goal that much sooner. This is never a good approach. When you do not give your very best into each and every task, no matter how small, the final results will not be as satisfactory as you may hope.
Giving your best to each task does not mean making something appear more important than it actually is, wasting time, or forgetting about your ultimate goal. Giving your best means making sure that each task you do receives the time and attention it deserves. It means that you take even the smallest jobs as seriously as you do the
Devoting a proper amount of time and attention to each and every task you do will not slow you down. In fact, it can help you to be better motivated for every task ahead. When you give your best to each one, no matter how small, you are increasing your chances of being completely satisfied with the eventual results when you reach your largest goals.