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So you're going to launch a new product/ website/ blog/ service online service online –– how do you make a big splash that gets how do you make a big splash that gets people on board and taking action? While this isn't people on board and taking action? While this isn't meant to be a stepmeant to be a step--byby--ststep primer, we have put together ep primer, we have put together what we think are the crucial nuts and bolts to any what we think are the crucial nuts and bolts to any successful launch.successful launch.
1. Know what you want. Know what you want. You can launch just about You can launch just about anything with a little creativity. But the first anything with a little creativity. But the first question you should be asking yourself is not what question you should be asking yourself is not what to lauto launch, but what you want to get out of a launch. nch, but what you want to get out of a launch. Do you want sales? Do you want to build a list? Do you want sales? Do you want to build a list? Positioning? Speaking engagements? Attracting Positioning? Speaking engagements? Attracting partners and affiliates? By knowing what you want, partners and affiliates? By knowing what you want, you'll be much more successful in figuring out how you'll be much more successful in figuring out how to get it.to get it.
2. FForget hype. Create an event.orget hype. Create an event. People are over run People are over run with hype and hoopla and the latest and greatest with hype and hoopla and the latest and greatest everything, which is why you don't want to add to everything, which is why you don't want to add to the noise. Instead, you want to cut through all the the noise. Instead, you want to cut through all the hype and turn your launch into an EVENT.
Think about it t –– despite how busy we all are, we despite how busy we all are, we still love holidays and birthdays and graduations still love holidays and birthdays and graduations and so forth. Why? Because they are events and so forth. Why? Because they are events –– they're things to look forward to and celebrate. they're things to look forward to and celebrate. That's why when you turn your marketing into an That's why when you turn your marketing into an event, you'll completely bypevent, you'll completely bypass all the other ass all the other marketing that's happening and you'll stand head marketing that's happening and you'll stand head and shoulders above the other distractions and shoulders above the other distractions competing for your prospects' attention.competing for your prospects' attention.
3. Create urgency.Create urgency. Whatever it is that you want Whatever it is that you want people to do people to do –– buy your product, get a freebie for buy your product, get a freebie for subscribsubscribing, join your membership, whatever ing, join your membership, whatever –– give give them a deadline or use an element of scarcity. For them a deadline or use an element of scarcity. For example, if people purchase during your launch example, if people purchase during your launch period (typically 2period (typically 2--7 days) then they get a special 7 days) then they get a special deal or extra bonuses or a lower price. Or your offer deal or extra bonuses or a lower price. Or your offer is only ais only available during the event vailable during the event –– after that it goes after that it goes away permanently.away permanently.
It's because you're running this special event that you can add in the scarcity element. Otherwise it's you can add in the scarcity element. Otherwise it's difficult to do it ethically difficult to do it ethically –– for example, those for example, those scripts that say the price will incrscripts that say the price will increase by midnight ease by midnight of the day the visitor hits the page are not only of the day the visitor hits the page are not only unethical unethical –– they may even be illegal.they may even be illegal.
And because of the scarcity –– the bonuses going the bonuses going away or the price increasing or the actual product away or the price increasing or the actual product no longer being available no longer being available –– you'll find there is a you'll find there is a surge in sales in the hours before the deadline. surge in sales in the hours before the deadline. Scarcity really is a powerful motivator.Scarcity really is a powerful motivator.
4. Introduce something in the middle of your event Introduce something in the middle of your event to spike sales.to spike sales. Let's say you're doing a five day Let's say you're doing a five day event. On day 1 sales will be high because people event. On day 1 sales will be high because people are primed to buyare primed to buy. But by day 3 sales will have . But by day 3 sales will have fallen off dramatically. That's why you need fallen off dramatically. That's why you need something to add excitement and make more sales. something to add excitement and make more sales. It might be an additional big bonus, or it could be a It might be an additional big bonus, or it could be a payment plan. Whatever it is, introduce it shortly before the halfway point. before the halfway point. You should see a sales You should see a sales spike in the hours immediately after your spike in the hours immediately after your announcement and again on the last day of the announcement and again on the last day of the event in the final hours before it closes.event in the final hours before it closes.
5. Your sales letter is not what you think. Your sales letter is not what you think. Sure, on the Sure, on the day of your big launch you've got a sales letteday of your big launch you've got a sales letter r ready to sell your product or sell whatever action ready to sell your product or sell whatever action you want them to take. But that's only the END of you want them to take. But that's only the END of your sales letter. Really your entire sales letter your sales letter. Really your entire sales letter begins with your first marketing message and begins with your first marketing message and continues all the way through the precontinues all the way through the pre--launch launch phase. phase.
What you're doing throughout your entire t you're doing throughout your entire prelaunch phase is introducing yourself to your prelaunch phase is introducing yourself to your prospects, letting them know that you suffered prospects, letting them know that you suffered from the same problem they have and you've found from the same problem they have and you've found solutions. You're telling your story, and as you tell solutions. You're telling your story, and as you tell your story you also your story you also share tidbits of really excellent share tidbits of really excellent information that they can use right away.