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We've already been through the planning phases in stage one, and talked about the very start of your joint venturing and how to get some resources into your system. They were probably the quickest and shortest parts, depending on how your joint venturing went of course. In this third and final section, we're going to start pulling everything together. So far we've seen a lot of planning and joint ventures. That however is about to change, but best of all, if your JV's did their job, this won't dent your pocket, and you'll have all of the following resources at your disposal.
So here we are, the day after you followed up with your joint ventures, and this is where things get real exciting. You should have woken up to a nice pile of list subscriptions, affiliate signups and small product sales (possibly some large ones if you joint ventured for large sales directly, as we talked about in the previous report). What you're witnessing here is a great big funnel of money making goodness coming into your possession. This is the most exciting part because you can start to see those all important resources for future promotion starting to form on your doorstep.
This however is only the start, because you've got a lot of follow-up, further joint ventures and some direct large product promotion to go, as well as introducing your affiliates to your larger product for direct promotion. But all that comes later. For now lets look at what you've achieved and why exactly it's important to you.
Affiliates. At a commission rate like we set for your smaller product, It's highly likely that yesterdays joint ventures started to pull in some affiliates for you. What’s great about this is the peoples lists you've had ads go to often contain people just as successful as them for the simple reason of keeping track of what’s going on and seeing all the new products first, getting in there early for promotion purposes and so on. Understand that you don't need a massive number of affiliates to promote for you to start pulling in some real numbers and some real resources for yourself.
Think about this, every affiliate that promotes for you effectively increases your promotion power by one hundred percent. Just twenty five good affiliates pulled in over a few products totally excluding your joint ventures increases your promotion power 2500%. When you look at things this way, you can start to see how even people with limited resources, and small numbers of people flowing through their systems make so much money in short periods of time, and why their resources grow at such an incredible rate. You've now formed a new base for your future promotion. People to make money for both you and themselves, what could be better?