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81. The "In The Dark" Strategy
The "a list of reliable places to advertise" strategy tells your prospects that they won't be left in the dark on how and where to advertise your resell product. You could give them a huge list of high traffic, proven free and paid places to advertise as a bonus.
82. The "Name It" Strategy
The "order before (date) and I'll also toss in private label rights" strategy tells your prospects that they can even add their own name and information to your resell product. People realize that they could gain credibility and become a famous expert in a short period of time.
83. The "Code Of Honor" Strategy
The "as a bonus I'll give you the source code rights" strategy tells your prospects they can do just about anything they want with your resell product. They could insert their name, links, add their own copyright, expand the source code, etc.
84. The "Don't Risk It" Strategy
The "a (no.) day no questions asked, money back guarantee" strategy tells your prospects that they wouldn’t have any risk purchasing your resell rights product. If your product doesn’t sell for them or if they don’t like it, they can just ask for a refund with no hassles.
85. The "In A Box" Strategy
The "a profitable business-in-a-box" strategy tells your prospects that your resell product is a complete business. If it's a physical product it will all be in a box or if it's a digital product, it will all be in one file or download area all ready to set up.
86. The "Freshen It Up" Strategy
The "new (or master) resell rights every month" strategy tells your prospects that if they pay a one-time or monthly fee, they can get new products to resell all the time. They'll realize they will never have to worry about running out of fresh products to resell.
87. The "Big Collection" Strategy
The "huge resell right collection valued at ($)" strategy tells your prospects that they can get tons of resell products all at once for way lower than what you paid for them. It could be resell products, give away products, master resell rights, private label rights products, etc.
88. The "Next One Free" Strategy
The "get my future resell rights product for free" strategy tells your prospects that if they buy your resell rights product, they will get your next one for no cost when you release it. You could offer a bonus without even having created it yet.
89. The "Imagine The Profits" Strategy
The "resell it for between ($) and ($)" strategy tells your prospects to imagine making that much every time they sell one of your resell products. You could use it as an example but never fix the price and allow them to sell it for what they want to.
90. The "Quick Start" Strategy
The "quick start guide and easy to follow instructions include" strategy tells your prospects that it's easy and quick getting set up to sell your resell product. You want to give directions on picking a payment processor, changing payment links, selecting web hosting, uploading the files, etc.
91. The "Genius" Strategy
The "no programming or technical knowledge required" strategy tells your prospects that they don't need a college degree in order to resell your product. Just list the simple steps they will have to do or give them the name of someone they can hire to do it for them.
92. The "Technology" Strategy
The "we will do all the technical work for you" strategy tells your prospects that they won't have to do any programming, uploading, coding, etc. Many people are afraid of the technical side of running an online business.
93. The "Take Away" Strategy
The "(no.) product(s) will be taken away every (no.) days" strategy tells your prospects that in order to get your full resell rights package, they better purchase now. Most people that are interested won't want to pay the same price for less resell products.
94. The "Mark It Up" Strategy
The "a huge mark up" strategy tells your prospects that your digital resell product will have a high profit margin. Explain to them that once they have the file, they can sell it over and over without printing and packaging costs.
95. The "V" Strategy
The "professionally written viral e-reports to give away" strategy tells your prospects that you are supplying them with viral tools to promote your resell product. Most marketers understand once they add their ad to it and give it away, people will spread it all over the Internet.
96. The "Clock Is Ticking" Strategy
The "(no.) hours (no.) minutes (no.) seconds till launch" strategy tells your prospects that your resell rights product is in pre-launch and time is counting down. It gets them excited and makes them want to be the first to purchase it.
97. The "Unrestricted Rules" Strategy
The "unrestricted (or lightly restricted) resell rights license" strategy tells your prospects that they will have little or no rules to follow reselling your product. Many people dislike reading, "You can't do this, you can't do that, you can only do this if, etc."
98. The "Multimedia" Strategy
The "(audio or video) version included phrase” strategy tells your prospects that they will get a multimedia version of your text resell product. Most people realize that audio and video are the future of the Internet.
99. The "Clear The Future" Strategy
The "no royalties fee ever" strategy tells your prospects that your resell rights license come free and clear of future payments. Many business industries sell product resell licenses that require you to pay a royalties payment every time you sell a product.
100. The "Gathering Place" Strategy
The "private reseller forum (or chat room)" strategy tells your prospects that they will have an online community of other resellers and yourself to learn resell strategies. You could include this as a bonus with your resell rights product.
The "no packaging or shipping charges" strategy tells your prospects that it will save them money and that there are advantages to reselling your digital product. They will never run out of stock, they won't have storage or inventory costs, they won't have to deal with suppliers, etc.
It never hurts to be well-informed with the latest information on resell rights. Compare what you've learned here to future information so that you can stay alert to changes in the area of resell rights marketing.
The day will come when you can use something you read about here to have a beneficial impact. Then you'll be glad you took the time to learn more about marketing resell rights products.