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People go through their lives continuously taking on different challenges each day. Whether it is in school, at work, or at home, there are many things that always come up and cause too much stress on a person. He might simply have too much to do and not have an opportunity to get enough rest. There are instances when a person handles a task on a tight schedule, feeling that time is never on his side.
In both situations, it can get scary to think about what can happen, and it can be even harder to think about failure. There is no need to feel this way anymore. Sometimes, things happen, and there is no choice but to wait until the last minute.
Whether this is because an assignment is due in the morning or if there is too much to do in one day, learning how to work faster for your own benefit is the best way to go.
Procrastination is a harsh term that gets thrown around and disrespected. The truth is that everyone does it, and everyone wishes that they could figure out how to complete their work faster while still providing the highest quality. This book will guide you through all the positive and negative results that come from procrastination. It will also show you better ways on how to complete an assignment after postponing it for so long.
Either way, you should be able to find success by reading this book. Read through the chapters and take down some notes. After you read through the final chapter, you will have a full understanding of what procrastination does to a person, why it happens, how it can benefit you in the long run, and how to help yourself to work quickly and efficiently.
Chapter 1: The Science Behind
People will always say how bad procrastination is before ever truly realizing why it happens. It is a natural approach which people rely on at the last minute. It is about how they will continually agree to take on another assignment before finishing the previous one. This is not about responsibility and whether the person can complete tasks or not. It is about wanting to take on a challenge and finish more assignments than the person next to them.
This is a common scenario especially in the workplace where employees will compete to keep their jobs. Sometimes, the only way to do this is to take on more assignments and finish them faster. Whether they were turned in at the last minute or not, they take on more assignments just to impress their managers. People question themselves whenever they push back an assignment another day or even another week. Sometimes, an assignment that is due the next day will continuously be pushed back because people keep switching their focus throughout the day.
The Brain of a Procrastinator
This happens because a battle between the limbic system and the prefrontal cortex occurs in the brain. The limbic system controls the amount of pleasure and relaxation that a person will naturally feel. The prefrontal cortex controls the amount of planning that the mind must go through. Simply put, when a person chooses to push back an assignment by either an hour or a day, the limbic system is taking over the prefrontal cortex. This situation often happens as people like going through the constant cycle of waiting until the last minute.
The reason the limbic system continues to be more in control and overpower the prefrontal cortex is because it is one of the older and more dominant parts of the brain. This system automatically runs through the process of strengthening itself more often than any other part of the brain. It is one of the first systems which develop inside the brain, responsible for keeping a person away from carrying out unpleasant actions.
For example, when a child looks at a flame, he might get curious and want to touch it. The limbic system tells his brain not to touch the flame because it will hurt him. This system does not focus on the damage that would be inflicted but the amount of pain that would be felt.
Compared to the limbic system, the prefrontal cortex is developed at a later stage. In science, this system is also known to be one of the weaker parts of the brain. The main feature of this part of the brain is that it runs through stimulus than an automatic process. People think that thoughts develop automatically in the prefrontal cortex, but it is quite the opposite. It sits right behind the forehead and has to be made to function for it to work. The moment a person sits down to work on an assignment and consumes time in continuing it, he is telling his brain to keep working on the task instead of lingering off.
This is a difficult thing to do especially when the limbic system continues to bribe the brain to relax right at that moment. Even though relaxing for a bit sounds good, the prefrontal cortex understands that the assignment must be completed by a certain time and if not, the person will go through a certain punishment that will make life less relaxed. The closer the due date of an assignment, the quicker these two parts of the brain will negotiate to understand which action should be taken.
Why Do We Procrastinate?
The truth is, the action which leads to more relaxation tends to win each time. The closer a person approaches a due date, the more he begins to panic since he feels that he cannot relax as much. The moment this is felt, it is easier to keep the prefrontal cortex engaged. It is easier to continue each assignment since it is understood that there will be more pain the longer the person waits. This is one of the few times where both sides of the brain win. The prefrontal cortex gets to complete the assignment while the limbic system feels less pain.
Another reason a person procrastinates is because he feels a certain rush the longer he waits for an assignment to be completed. He is able to take on the challenge of finishing everything at the very last minute and feels rewarded by doing so. It is all about the idea of cutting it close but still being victorious at the end. When a person waits until the last minute to finish an assignment, he sees a challenge and feels what he thinks is an adrenaline rush. What he is actually feeling is a small dose of dopamine moving quickly through the brain. It is a good feeling that comes with the expectation of getting a reward every time an assignment is completed. This boost gives enough reason for a person to continue coming back to the idea of waiting for as long as he can before completing any type of assignment.
The Inner Struggle In Getting Things Done
Since the hormone dopamine continues to run through the brain during these situations, it causes a person to lose his sense of control. He starts to form a battle within himself to see how much self-control he truly has. While he knows that an assignment is due soon, he also knows that the intense feeling of waiting until the last minute is just right around the corner. He could choose to finish the assignment ahead of time to gain more time to relax later, or he could choose to relax first and push the assignment back to challenge himself to finish the assignment at the last minute. Having self-control means that the prefrontal cortex and the limbic system are equally functioning. There are no boundaries to try and cross to have one side win over the other. Instead, they seem to work together to ensure the highest amount of efficiency within a person. While a person is in control of his mind and what he is doing at the moment, his reaction to the hormones is quite difficult to overcome. It is all about the feelings that would rather be felt – the victory at the last moment to feel the rush of dopamine in the mind or a calming sense of being ahead to strengthen the prefrontal cortex.
While dopamine is the main factor which contributes to the reasons behind procrastination, adrenaline can still exist in this situation. The part of the brain that produces adrenaline is called the amygdala. It is associated with an automatic emotional reaction which is triggered whenever a situation that is difficult for the mind to process arises. This happens when a situation is outside of the boundaries of everyday life.