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In action #1, the word “exactly” means precisely. 8:00 a.m., not 8:01, 8:05, or even 8:00:10. You have to train yourself to be precisely where you're supposed to be not thinking of it, not on the way, not pouring a cup of coffee at the precise moment you're supposed to be there.
In action #2, the word “directly” means that, about a minute after your butt hits the chair, you start your work. “The work you're supposed to be doing” ought to be self explanatory by now, but let’s be extra heedful and remind ourselves that ad lib unscheduled calls (even “urgent” ones), coffee sipping, paper reading, net surfing, and additional activities are all procrastination, pure and simple.
So is doing other work even crucial, good feeling work that wasn’t scheduled for this period. You may spend your complete life immersed in these activities, and make little or no progress on your most crucial goals.
In action #3, the word “centered” means that you're flirting with your task, and only your task. Put differently, you're not thinking of other work you may be doing, or your worries regarding your task, or philosophical issues related to your task. And, naturally, you’re not thinking of your personal life, last night’s TV program, or the birds cheeping enticingly outside your window.
“20 minutes or more.” The amount of time one may, or should, remain centered on work differs from person to person. Most individuals, however, may train themselves to work in a centered manner for at least 20 minutes before having to get up and take a break.
After your break and your breaks ought to be as long as you need them to be, particularly when you’re 1st tackling your procrastination issue you may return to work for another 20 minutes.
At first, however, working for 20 minutes might seem as unrealistic as flying to the moon. So begin with 10 minutes, or 5, or 2 if you have to. Then, take as long a break as you require, praise yourself for your accomplishment, and repeat.
As you become more and more comfortable with your work, you may build up to 10 minutes of sustained work, then 15, 20, 30, etc. The key is to be patient and not push it.