Ebook Sample Content Preview:
181. When You Need An Extra Egg.
When you need an extra egg for the recipe add a little corn starch.
182. Peel Onions Without Tears.
Let water run over them while peeling.
183. The Proper Way To Ripen Fruit.
Keep it out in open at room temperature. Refrigerator slows down ripening.
184. How To Pick Fresh Eggs.
Old eggs are shiny, fresh eggs are rough and have bumps.
185. How To Cut Acidity In Coffee.
Add a pinch of salt.
186. Good Refrigerator Deodorizer.
Keep an open box of baking soda in it at all times.
187. What To Do About Grease Spills.
Pour ice water over it, it will lift off before it can soak in.
188. Make A Good Egg Separator.
Crack egg, put in small funnel, white will come through separated from yolk.
189. Reduce Wilting Of Root Vegetables.
Cut off the tops as soon as you get them.
190. Keep Vegetables Fresh Longer.
Put paper towels in bottom of bin. It will absorb moisture which causes decay.
191. How To Keep Meat Fresh Looking.
Cover the cut side with leaves of lettuce.
192. How To Perk Up Wilted Lettuce.
Soak in cold water with a dash of lemon juice, cool in refrigerator for half hour.
193. Make Frozen Vegetables Fresh.
Pour boiling water over them. Restores fresh taste.