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There are coaches for gobs of different areas online these days. There are life coaches, business coaches, organization coaches and marketing coaches…you name it there is probably someone out there who can coach you on it.
PLR is perfect for those with a coaching business online. Remember earlier when I told you that content is what helps to build a relationship with readers? Well who more than someone who is going to work one-on-one with do you need to have trust in?
Coaches also have to show their experience and knowledge just as much, probably more actually, than other business owners. So, how can they do this without spending all their time writing instead of coaching?
You guessed it…with PLR content of course.
A coach’s website has to convey A LOT to potential clients. The more articles and information they have on the topics they coach the easier it will be for people to believe they are qualified to help.
If you’re a coach, why not put some PLR articles about your area of expertise on your website to give visitors proof that you are capable of assisting them in the areas they struggle in? Just don’t forget to put your own thoughts in by rewriting the articles first!
There are a ton of ways you can use PLR articles to help promote your products and services via an affiliate program. The key to getting the most from your affiliates is to offer them as many tools and resources as possible to make their promotions easy. The easier you make it the more they will promote you; it’s as simple as that.
Here are a few ways you can use private label rights articles in your affiliate program. Give them lots of articles to promote your product or service. Take some PLR articles and put them in your affiliate toolbox for your affiliates to add their link to and post on their own site, blog, or in their newsletter.
They can also add the articles to their own eCourse or autoresponders. Better yet, use the PLR articles to create an eCourse for your affiliates. Give them a place to add their affiliate link in each message, tell them to load the course into their autoresponder program and you’re now being promoted in their lists too!