Ebook Sample Content Preview:
30. The "Submit And Forget" Strategy
The "submit the content to article directories" strategy tells your prospects that they can use your private label product to create their own articles and submit them to article directories. Most marketers know that their article, small ad and web site link will be republished by tons of online publishers.
31. The "Money List" Strategy
The "increase your opt-in subscribers" strategy tells your prospects that they could create a bonus product to give away to people that subscribe to their e-zine or opt-in list. You could use a squeeze page to collect e-mail addresses of people that want access to the bonus product and place a one time offer on the download page.
32. The "Waiting Room Books" Strategy
The "submit a free e-book to the free e-book directories" strategy tells your prospects that they could use your private label content to create a free e-book. Many marketers know that free e-book directories can get a lot of traffic.
33. The "Community Content" Strategy
The "post informative content on online forums" strategy tells your prospects that they could post some of your private label content as their own on targeted message boards. Most forums allow you to include an ad, text and/or signature about your web site.
34. The "Offline Profits" Strategy
The "create your own physical products" strategy tells your prospects that they could create tapes, CDRs, DVDs, printed books, etc. Most people know that physical products usually sell for more money, which means more profits.
35. The "Increase Your Conversion" Strategy
The "create bonus products for your customers" strategy tells your prospects that they could create bonus products and package them with for sale products. Most marketers know that bonus products can increase their conversion ratio.
36. The "Content Vacuum" Strategy
The "create your own article directory" strategy tells your prospects that they could create an article directory from your private label product. Most marketers know articles directories will increase their traffic.