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Rule seven. Never tell anyone your product is cheap for what it is. Yuck. Nothing major to dwell on here really, but never ever describe your products as cheap. Competitively priced yes, the best price for that service yes, cheap, no way. That just devalues your product full stop. More often than not, people don't want cheap. They want quality at a good price, especially in online business.
Rule eight. Don't be afraid to experiment with pricing strategies. I can understand how you might be worried that customers that bought your product costing them four hundred dollars would be annoyed that they receive an e-mail for a special seasonal offer cutting that cost in half, but it seriously doesn't work that way. You're not offending anyone by doing this, and it's the only way you'll come up with new techniques and tactics yourself, through testing.
The fact is real world businesses do this all the time. They have super sales, then they put prices up at Christmas time and particular times of the year when their products are going to be more in demand, discount things daily, add and remove discounts and so on. It's not a wrong thing to do, it's not unethical, it's business. And if your customers have ever left their houses to go and purchase something from a store, they'll know this too.
So here's the deal. If you need some extra cash, why not offer a limited number of members, a long subscription at a discount of a month or so throughout the year? I have to say this one works real well, and I had a large percentage of my member base from my previous site hand me large up front wads of cash that I could put to good use making more cash. If I'd left them at their twenty dollar per month fee, I might have made an extra few hundred dollars, but at a slower pace.
There's nothing wrong with you adding discounts to the end of five or six day follow-up messages, so on and so forth. Nothing wrong with that at all. In fact, there's nothing wrong with changing your price on your main page without any warning or notice. Don't fall into the trap of worrying what previous customers are going to say, because seriously, this happens in the real world all the time. I know in all my experimental days I've never had someone come to me and shout or complain because I pulled a quarter off the price a day after they bought it. If you have a quality product, that's good enough, not to mention you owe it to yourself to try different methods like in the above examples until you get things dead perfect.