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Often times, simply sitting down with your partner and having a heart to heart will help you get back to the place you once were. It's like a "reset" button where once you voice your concerns, share your feelings and get it off your chest, you feel new again. You feel understood, and in return, you better understand your partner.
Once you have had a heart to heart, and you believe that you truly understand how your partner is feeling as well as what your spouse desires and needs, you need to put an immediate plan into action.
It's far too easy to slip back into old habits, so sit down and think about how you can spend a little time each day nurturing communication with your spouse, and giving each other the time together you need.
This might involve modifying work schedules, getting the kids to bed a bit earlier, or waking up earlier so you can have a conversation over breakfast.
Whatever you have to do, it's important that you develop better habits concerning your marriage, so that you can demonstrate to your spouse that you're taking it seriously, and that you're truly committed to getting your marriage back on track.
Of course, your spouse needs to return the communication and attention to you as well, and if either of you feels that the other is getting off track again, you need to voice your concerns early on.
Keeping a marriage on track requires dedication on both your parts. You need to understand that it's not always going to be easy, but that you love each other enough to stick it out, and make it through the rough spots.
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- License: Personal Use
- Category:Ebooks
- Tags:2010 Ebooks Personal Use