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Living in the here and now, step by step leads us to live every day with regenerated vigor and a calm mind crucial for a healthy and happy living. Our Life travel becomes effortless and turnarounds ahead get to be manageable. I am reminded of a quotation, "If you're not certain you made the correct decision, then make the decision you made correctly". Living in the here and now does not propose delaying maneuvers to avoid decision making for dread of turnarounds. It instead promotes making decisions in the here and now.
Errors are bound to happen which may be rectified at another time. Living for the time being calls for attending to tasks at hand instead of leaving these for tomorrow. Because there might or might not be a tomorrow.
For instance conceive of the possibility that we're told that the Earth is coming to an end today at twelve midnight. Our quick response would be fright and deep concern for getting to be near our loved ones. But after some time we will recognize that everybody is going to pass away. Why fret? From time to time several concerns or troubles might occur at the same time. Attempt to refocus on the trouble/ task at hand at that very instant. Recurrent practice will help in acquiring skills for handling one issue at a time.
The big picture. When you're having problems looking on the far side of the little things that are getting to you, there's a good chance you aren't looking at the greater picture. This greater picture is any state of affairs; all you have to do is look for it on a regular basis.
Understand that they are small things. The more you minimize the size of the thing you're having problems with the better you will feel about the total situation. If it's something that somebody else may take care of, let it be. Do not try to command every little matter in your life, or you might wind up loosing your mind. Sit back and don't fret.
Let it depart. If it is no use to you any longer, let it go with assurance and ease, do not allow it to steal back in by giving it power. These things might come in different forms, so be on the watch out for whatever form they may come in. Let it go and move ahead.