"Here's Your Chance To Mesmerize Your Customers, Enhance Your Credibility, Deliver Your Marketing Message Effectively And Boost Your Conversions!"
Grab Your Visitors Attention With A Complete, Power-Packed, Professionally-Designed Set Of Website Templates Created Specifically For Marketers
I'm going to keep this simple.
Today profit producing websites need to have the following critical elements: action generating copy, a compelling offer, an attractive, useful & wanted product and an effective sales page.
Guru's will tell you that plain page sites will work for you... what they fail to explain is that with the myriad of competition in the online market a website that is both effective, useable, well laid out and eye-catching is also an important factor... website attractiveness allows your marketing message to get through by capturing the interest of your visitor graphically, and then presenting them with your offer (ever wonder why the big boys tell you not to use headers, yet they themselves use well-designed and graphical sites to sell their own products?).
A good first impression is CRITICAL to branding you, your product and your offer and making your customers trust you enough to give you their money -- using an amateurish or slipshod image can DESTROY rather than build your credibility.
When you are working hard to build your business, position your products and paying a lot for your traffic and leads, you want to ensure that you're landing pages and sales letters are getting the best conversion rates possible. The survival of your business or offer depends on it.
This is why when putting together a marketing website it requires a designer who not only understands your target market, but one who has a proven track record, and can provide graphics that are unique, professional, are usable by your visitors and assists you in delivering your marketing message.