"Get Ready to Give Your Business a Huge Upgrade, Because You're About to Discover the Time Saving, Profit Boosting Magic of..."
I know your time is valuable, so I'm just going to give you a quick description of this incredible program...
This allows you to quickly and easily find relevant, high quality sites for you to exchange links with, email the webmaster of each of those sites to request a link exchange, keep your link pages updated and make certain each site you‘ve exchanged links with continues to link back to your site. It has a built-in FTP client and a link page generator with templates you can customize. Basically, it provides you with an all-in-one link manager while at the same time taking all the hard work out of building your link network.
Effectively searches the Web to locate countless sites that are relevant to your own and carry high page ranks.
Saves you a huge amount of time by performing most of the link generating tasks for you.
Provides the ability to build and manage your link network using one convenient and powerful program.
Gives you a fast and easy method of gaining quality links that can improve your search engine rank.
Allows you to automatically monitor each of your link partners to make certain the link they've provided is still in place and active.