Skyrocket Your Website's PROFITS With Keyword-Targeted PPC Content & Your Own 'Intelligent' PPC Search Box!
Let me ask you a question:
What is the fastest, easiest and 100% guaranteed way to monetize your website traffic?
Let me give you a hint by asking you this question in another way...
What is the 100% Guaranteed Profit-Generating Content & Search Box That You Can Add to Your Website Right Now?
The answer is Pay-Per-Click (PPC)!
That's right!
Adding PPC advertising - PPC content and PPC search engine or search box - to your website is one of, if not the fastest and easiest way to monetize your website.
How does the PPC advertising model compare with the famous affiliate model?
Affiliate Advertising Vs. PPC Advertising!
PPC is an online advertising model where publishers/site owners like you make money every time a PPC advertising link is clicked by a site visitor.
Whereas with affiliate programs/advertising/promotions you only make money when a sale is generated, PPC makes you money per visitor click.
Let's compare:
Affiliate Advertising Process
1. Visitor clicks on your affiliate link.
Note: Visitor needs to use your affiliate link as is, without deleting your affiliate ID :)
2. Visitor goes to a destination page, like a sales letter.
3. Visitor clicks the order button.
4. Visitor takes out his credit card and places the order.
5. You make money; affiliate commissions.