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Chapter 7: Set A Budget And Stick To It
PPC search spending can be quite a challenge to decide in specific as it is an increasing fast pace market generating revenue. Based on latest statistics the PPC has generated a substantial amount of revenue to the internet marketing platform.
Watch Your Money
Budgeting for PPC is difficult but not impossible, simply because the pricing is mainly set based on the keyword bids which is very inconsistent and fluctuates constantly.
One way of creating a budget is to estimate one by calculating the percentage of revenue derived from the online presence and then base it on that calculated percentage.
Some search engines such as Google have budget optimizers for ad words which are generally designed to help advertisers receive the highest number of clicks within the budget allotted.
However this does not in any way help in achieving any positioning within the indexing exercise. There is also the useful cost per click which work on monthly budgets or the automate cost per click version which allows for automatic adjustments.
Periodic reviewing of the budget which was established at the onset of the PPC tool exercise is done to ensure the conversions and profits balance out ideally and bring in the desired revenue. The budgets should be based on the effectiveness of creating the revenue from the PPC.
However all the budgeting tips and designed suitable choices will not be useful if it is not kept consistent and there are too many adjustments made without proper and careful consideration. There is also the need to stick to the budget laid out until otherwise proven to be ineffective.
Therefore problems such insufficiently spent funds, overspending, seasonal changes and optimized ROI via budgeting allocation should not be the cause of any derailment of the budget allotted as all these points should have been adequate considered before the PPC was launched.
Chapter 8: Make Sure You Have Great Content When Someone Does Click
Research has shown that this is currently the quickest way to send targeted viewers to the intended website which effectively cuts the “testing” phase down considerably.
Content Is King
However in making the choice to use PPC all the fact and figures should be understood so that an informed choice can be made while limiting the possibility of failure.
Creating great content is the most important feature to include in the exercise of designing the site. However other supporting elements should also be looked into to facilitate the actual steps that will create the platform for the visitor finally being able to view the site’s content.
Attract the target buyers with the right keywords that should ideally appear on the URL. This is an often overlooked fact as although most individuals spend a considerable amount of time picking the best and most suitable keywords that create the relation and attraction point to the site, they fail to include this as a clearly displayed feature on the URL.
Those viewing the initial ads will be able to see the URL and this should cause them to want to explore further into the related topics.
After this step is successfully taken the content of the page must be able to match the ads that brought the viewer to the site in the first place. Keeping the content interesting and full of informative tidbits will encourage the viewer to also recommend the site to others thereby effectively creating the other revenue earning click for the site.
The landing page should contain the information that was promised at the ads placements as the PPC method is used to access the material.
Chapter 9: You Have To Follow Up
While PPC is definitely proven to be a good tool to use in the quest to direct traffic to a site where the eventual desired results of increasing interest and creating revenue is evident, there should ideally also be some follow up exercises to ensure optimum results are garnered.
Stay In Touch
Running PPC campaigns without keeping track of its progress and any changes periodically will cause the PPC campaign to become either no longer useful or redundant altogether.
Considering objectives such as branding, changes, prospects and others needs constant follow up exercises to keep them relevant to the market sentiments of the time.
Things to avoid should include all of the following - one campaign fits all target audience, multiple campaigns for a single product, duplicating keywords across all campaigns and not having the appropriate measuring tools for performance and monitoring the accounts.
The follow up processes should include conversion tracking which will give the host an idea of the performance levels the chosen campaign is churning out. This feedback should include impressive details such as full reports on the amount of PPC, interactive results from the PPC and actual conversion rates managed.
Once this information is established some form of follow up exercise should be set in place to ensure the interested parties are assured of the services touted at the site.
The follow up exercise should also include keeping the viewer happy with the eventual purchase made, and address any shortcomings. Follow up exercises can also provide beneficial information that will help to make necessary adjustments where needed.
These follow up phases should ideally be done periodically whether or not the PPC campaign is going well or poorly. The follow up campaigns can also act as learning curves whereby valuable lessons can be leant and mistakes can be corrected.
Wrapping Up
Using the PPC to attract participative traffic to a site in very important in the quest to get noticed and get some serious revenue coming in. You now have the tools and knowledge to get you on your way.