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More than anything else, the key to success in business depends on how and where you advertise.
You must advertise or forever remain unknown.
If you have "the better mousetrap"; you have to let the people know about it, or your ideas and efforts will come to nothing.
Everybody seemingly has an idea for a product, a service or a "how-to" manual of some kind.
Many people spend half their lives perfecting a product, learning how to perform a special service, or writing a book...
Only to end up penniless and heartbroken because "no one beats a path to their door" to buy whatever it is they're trying to sell.
In most cases, it's a matter of whether you want to "go down in history" as just another inventor, hard-worker, author or you want to "sell a product and enjoy the rewards."
Always do some basic common sense product analysis and market research before you begin building, learning or putting together something you want other people to buy.
The same kind of "research" will save you time, money, and frustration, if you apply the same principles to every opportunity that arouses your interest.