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The challenges we face today are almost unavoidable. No matter what, we’re bound to face them at some point. It doesn’t care what goals you are trying to achieve.
Whether it’s saving money, losing weight, or getting that dream job - there are always setbacks that can pop up. The real question is: do you have the perseverance to handle them? If not, this book will be able to help.
This is a short book. But we’re going to make it as informative and valuable as possible. We don’t think you should be reading something ridiculously long about perseverance.
Our goal is to make it short, sweet, and to the point. On the other end of the coin, we want something from you. That is to follow the actionable steps that we mention throughout this book.
We’re not putting together this book for entertainment. We do it for education. The goal is for you to take the right kind of action to build up perseverance.
When you do this, it will build up over time. And once that happens, you’ll feel that nothing will be stopping you. Regardless of the goals you intend to achieve, the challenges and setbacks will seem like nothing.
This book won’t “work” for you if you don’t take the right course of action.
What is the purpose of this book?
The purpose of this book is helping you break through the barriers that are placed by these challenges and setbacks. Furthermore, you'll learn how to build and harness the power of perseverance. This way, you’ll develop something that may seem like a superpower.
The reason why we say „superpower’ is because not a lot tends to use it. The usual course of action is people don’t persevere when something goes wrong. They drop everything and quit doing it.
They’ll say that it was „too hard’ or something similar. It’s important that you do the opposite of that. You want to be clear in what you want your ultimate goal to be.
Likewise, you also want to be clear on how you are going to achieve them. This also includes brainstorming about possible setbacks. You’ll know a few of the common ones that exist.
Once you do, you’ll find a way to navigate through those obstacles. All the while, you’ll be able to utilize the power of perseverance in order to successfully break the barriers and move forward. It’s the reason why you have this book in your hand right now.
It is your intent to persevere through the challenges. To break through the barriers set up by external factors and your self-limiting beliefs. There may be some „shiny objects’ or similar things that may throw you off course.
All you need to do is stay the course. Don’t take your eyes off the prize. Even on days when things seem to be painful, you want to remember what you’re focusing on.
What this book will cover So here comes the fun part. We’re going to give you a chapter-by-chapter synopsis of what this book will cover. We think it’s a great idea to give you a sneak preview of what’s inside the book.
Let’s cut to the chase and list off what you’ll be learning in each chapter:
? Chapter 1 - The Anatomy of Perseverance: Understanding the Inner Strength: This chapter will discuss the anatomy of perseverance. You’ll explore the psychological and emotional components of it. And you’ll learn what motivates and drives people to persevere. We’ll talk about how self-belief and optimism play an important role as well.
? Chapter 2 - Breaking the Barriers: Overcoming Self-Doubt and Fear: Here, we’ll identify the common self-limiting beliefs along with the strategies to overcome them. This chapter will introduce you to the use of positive self-talk and reframing for the purpose of building confidence. And you’ll also be using your fears as a way to grow and move forward.
? Chapter 3 - The Journey Begins: Setting Bold Goals and Embracing Challenges: The title itself for this chapter is self-explanatory. But we’ll get a little creative on what you can do to set goals and embrace the challenges.
? Chapter 4 - Navigating the Obstacle Course: Strategies for Overcoming Roadblocks: Obstacles can stand in the way or pop up out of nowhere. You’ll learn how to tackle them along with adapting any unexpected setbacks that may happen out of nowhere. You’ll learn how to be creative and resourceful during the challenges.
? Chapter 5: The Power of Resilience: Bouncing Back from Setbacks - You’ll learn about resilience and how it can help you during challenging times.
? Chapter 6: Cultivating a Perseverance Mindset: Building Mental Toughness - Mental toughness and perseverance go hand in hand. You will learn how to forge mental toughness so you can be even stronger in mind.