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Goal setting is the process of deciding what you would like to accomplish and then make a plan to achieve the desired result. Now while everyone has goals and aspirations, not everyone knows how to achieve those goals.
Goal setting is a structured process. First you decide on a goal, then you create a plan to get to that goal and finally you put your plan in action. It is this final part of the process that presents the most problems for many people. They easily set a goal and even devise a plan to get there but hit major roadblocks when executing their plan.
This book is your know all guide to setting goals and creating successful strategies to achieve those goals. Topics covered here will take a look at both personal goals for individual success and business goals to improve your business rather than any aspect of personal life. While both types of goals have different purposes, the essential goal setting process presents no major differences.
In fact, the same goal setting formula and strategies work for personal as well as business goals. So without further ado, here is what you need to know about the strategy-to-execution process.
Chapter 1
Vision Vs Execution
What is the difference?
Vision is great. In fact, it is the starting point for all big things to come. But vision means very little unless executed.
What this means is that it is great to have a plan but simply having a plan cannot get things done. It hardly even acts as a catalyst anymore. Take the very common example of trying to lose weight. You know you need to work hard and put in a certain amount of effort to shed off the extra pounds.
If you fail to lose weight on a diet, then is the diet the problem or is it because you didn’t follow through consistently? The vision was to lose weight and the execution required you to invest time, effort and a lot of will power into the process. Were you able to deliver?
Another way to look at the same is trying to expand your blog. If your blog isn’t growing, is it because your marketing strategy is poor, your writing style not up to the mark or simply because you can’t seem to create enough useful content? You may have the vision to create a blog with broad readership but do you have the strategy and execution to take it that far?
Now vision and execution are not exclusive to the business world, although almost everything written about the topic refers to entrepreneurs and leaders, but can apply equally well to everyday non- business like situations as well, as we have just seen. So while a lot of the examples in this book might sound like they have to do with good leadership qualities only, feel free to apply the same to your personal aims and goals in daily life.
The effort threshold
Going by this working title, let us assume that every goal demands a minimum work threshold. If you do not invest at least a certain amount of effort, you won’t get results. Based on the nature of the goal, the effort required may vary but the rule remains that you need to be engaged in following thorough.
Now go back to the example of trying to lose weight. If getting in shape requires a minimum commitment of gruelling for 3 hours per week and you only do it for 2, you won’t get the desired results. Likewise, if becoming a successful blogger demands you to put in 1,000 hours of productive effort and you only contribute 400, chances are you’ll fail. So even with a good plan in place, results do not come unless the plan is followed through.
Once again, vision needs execution to deliver results.
Defining vision
A vision for personal goals could be for anything ranging from improving your health, mastering a culinary skill, becoming a better person or even becoming more sociable when in company. In fact, it could be anything that empowers you as a person or makes you feel like an achiever.
In terms of business, vision is the grand idea of where your company may go as an extension of where it is already.
A vision statement organizes your thoughts and distributes them to the company. The statement is often lofty and future-based but still needs to be organized and planned carefully. It is kind of like a roadmap which points out the direction you would like to follow.