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I want to thank you for downloading this book, ‘The Power of Discipline: Key to Unstoppable Productivity & Success.”
Most of us hate rules! When we hear the word ‘discipline,’ we are automatically reminded of convents and boot camps. Who doesn’t love living each day, as it goes, without any rules? Of course, there are joys that can be experienced by living a carefree life! But if you want a life filled with happiness, that can be sustained, you need to bring in some rules!
And there is no necessity that rules are always bad. You won’t believe how incorporating discipline as part of your life can help you improve the quality of your life and sustain your happiness! I encourage you to not be immediately put off by the idea of adding some discipline to your life. I am sure that this book will give you a fresh perspective on discipline and help you realize how it improves your life! Hence, I strongly urge you to stay patient until you finish this book. Your patience will duly be rewarded!
The first chapter of this book deals with the art of discipline and how it is an important ingredient for achieving success. The second chapter highlights the various benefits of incorporating discipline as part of your life. The third chapter stresses on how lack of discipline can damage your life. The fourth chapter focuses on strategies or tips that can help you incorporate self-discipline. The fifth chapter of this book talks about famous celebrities, who have incorporated discipline as part of their lives. Finally, the sixth chapter throws light on why self-disciple is better and more important than motivation.
I hope you find this book useful and interesting! Thank you for purchasing this book.
Chapter 1: The Art of Discipline
Through this chapter, I hope to throw more light on what discipline entails, especially what discipline and self-discipline is all about and how it can help you to achieve success.
Why do we need discipline?
We are part of a generation, which likes living each day on its own terms. We shy away from rules and aspire to live each moment to its fullest, without any restraint. While this might not sound too bad, have you ever wondered why you didn’t get into the college that you wanted? Or get that job you coveted the most? Have you ever thought why you find it difficult to sustain your relationships? Have you always been puzzled as to why your results are never commensurate to the amount of effort that you put in? The answer to these above questions could be the lack of discipline. The reason why some of us fail to meet our targets, despite our best efforts, is because we lack the discipline. Again, as I said before, do not look at discipline as a negative element of your life.
Let me give you an example to prove how discipline is important for even following your passions! Let’s assume that you are part of your school’s basketball team. You have an important tournament coming up in a month. Luckily, all your fellow players are in good form and are extremely talented. Is this enough to get you that trophy? No. You must practice every day for a certain number of hours. You will have to practice your routine several times. Even if your strategy for this game is the same and you have played your opponent several times in the past to understand their style, you still need to practice. Why are you indulging in so much practice? To ensure that your body is in good form and to mentally prepare yourself for the game! Isn’t this a form of disciplining your body and mind? Out of passion for winning, all of you come together and engage in so much practice! All of you may have different playing styles. But it is extremely important that your styles are aligned on the day of the game, to reap the maximum benefits. It is discipline that brings you together as a team. You will see in a while how discipline/self-discipline will help you achieve success!
Living with no regrets is a good thing. But living, without worrying about consequences, is bad and detrimental to not just you but to the people around you as well. Most of us don’t really see how our actions impact others. We fail to appreciate the importance of the things that we have. This is one important reason why this generation are pros at procrastination. We would rather spend hours on Snapchat or Twitter or Instagram, instead of focusing on the work at hand. You will be able to get away with this reckless attitude only while the consequences aren’t too severe. But why wait until things get out of hand to do course corrections? When you are disciplined, you will surely be cognizant of your actions and behaviors.
What is
Now that I have spent quite some time talking about discipline, let’s see what it refers to. Discipline is nothing but the practice of getting trained or conditioned to think or react in a certain way, within a certain framework of principles. Sounds boring and daunting? Well, let us look at what self-discipline is all about. You will probably realize that discipline is not about a life based on someone else’s rules. It’s about having your own set of rules and living your life based on that!
What is self-discipline?
Self-discipline is nothing but the ability to control one’s thoughts, actions, emotions and behaviors. With self-discipline, you will be able to control your impulsive reactions. By exercising self-discipline, you are consciously letting go of the need to be immediately gratified or upset by your surroundings! It is a conscious effort to hold back your emotions and not react immediately. In other words, self-discipline is all about being in control of your life and reaping the maximum benefits from it.
When I say that you need discipline in your life, it does not mean that you should let go of your happiness and lead a boring life! You can continue having fun and do all the things that you like, so long as they are not detrimental to your overall wellbeing (ex: drug addiction). In fact, you will realize that having a bit of discipline can improve the quality of your relationships and help you sustain your happiness. Hence, it is not a bad thing after all. Self-discipline is all about improving your focus, directing your efforts in a more effective manner and reaping the maximum benefits from all your undertakings!