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Bulking up, as in bodybuilding, is often seen as synonymous with lifting weights. And for most people that’s where the equation ends. As long as they lift weights, they believe they’ll get jacked.
However, there’s much more than just weightlifting when it comes to bodybuilding essentials. In fact, it’s an entire series of components including nutrition, supplementation, and training. Then come rest and recovery, along with lifestyle changes that will help you gain muscle and keep it that way.
You will need to incorporate these and other essentials to get results. And while weights are integral to becoming ripped, they won’t get you anywhere alone.
So here we will look at what you need to do and what routines to follow to reach your goals.
Chapter 1
The Mindset of a Champion
Mental toughness is a trait required for success in any field. It’s what gives your goals resilience, gets you over adversity and lets you follow through with what you set out to do in the first place.
When it comes to bodybuilding, you don’t just need your body but also your mind to collaborate together.
You have to put your mind to the game to win it. For many people, bodybuilding doesn’t work out because they don’t have their mind in the game.
What separates the successful from others is not only their dedication or motivation but also their mindset. So it’s not only your physical competency that will set you apart but also mental attitude towards getting to your goals.
Here’s what you need to look for in the mindset of a champion:
Unwavering Dedication
If you want to build quality muscle mass, you’ll need to be very dedicated to your goals. It’s a strong set of beliefs you’ll need to follow where your goals are defined clearly.
Your dedication, may, at times, be dictated by your physical strength, stamina and endurance. On other occasions, you may be driven on by your eagerness to learn. But whatever the case, you need to believe whole heartedly that you are cut out to achieve your goals.
There will be times when your dedication and determination may waver but you need to stay on course. You’ll need constant reminders of why you started this journey in the first place and that thought should keep you on track.
Dedication can also be reinforced if you’re always willing to learn. This willingness becomes the driving force for continuing and improving your craft by constant practice. This way you can develop grit and achieve the mindset of a go-getter.
For added motivation you could have posters of professionals on your walls or in your phone. This is another way to stay focused.
When you look at those pictures, you’ll be reminded of why you started in the first place.
Fight Distraction
Distractions can make you derail from your priorities and goals. When you lose focus, you lose the game. That’s why it’s absolutely imperative that you keep distractions away. Even when you’re faced with distractions, you need to muster up the determination to ignore them completely.
For instance, if you’ve already chalked out a workout routine, you need to stick to it no matter what. Champion athletes and bodybuilders know that they have the potential to improve and don’t let distractions get in the way. Missing out one day of training can quickly evolve into a pattern of laziness, but champions never let it get to that point.
One thing that works quite well is planning your day beforehand. When you’ve already planned your day, you’re more likely to follow through. Being spontaneous is great, but doesn’t always deliver when you have an agenda to follow.
Having said that, you can’t completely get rid of distractions because they’re an integral part of productivity. However, you can train your mind to ignore any distraction that comes your way. Look at the bigger picture and keep yourself focused on that.
Finish What You Started
Many people start their muscle building routine with a lot of excitement and passion but they don’t finish because they either get distracted or become lazy on the way. You need to keep the same level of motivation going on as you had on the first day of your training.
Something that works well for this is to keep track of your progress. If you can see how you’re progressing, you’ll be tempted to finish what you’ve started.
To make things easier, you could make a checklist for yourself. Write the different exercises that you have to do on every day of the week. Just ticking off the task from your list will give you a sense of satisfaction. This is necessary if you want to reach the finish line without tiring out or losing focus.