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When we go forward to train the subconscious for special results, we must always abide by with the following law: The subconscious responds to the impressions, the suggestions, the wants, the anticipations and the directions of the conscious mind. At such times, the mind should be calm and should be conscious of that finer, better something inside.
When you want to direct the subconscious to develop physical health, first picture a clear thought of perfect health. Try to feel perfectly healthy in your mind and then let that feeling sink into your entire physical system. Whenever you feel sickness coming on, you may nip it in the bud by this simple method. If the subconscious is directed to develop more health, added forces of health will soon start to come from inside, and abolish any disorder or ailment that might be on the verge of getting a foothold in the body.
Always recall that whatever is imprinted on the subconscious will after some time be expressed from the subconscious; and where the physical circumstances that you want to remove are small, enough subconscious power may be aroused to restore prompt order and wholeness.
When the condition you want to remove has continued for some time, however, repeated efforts might be required to cause the subconscious to act in the matter. But, if you continue to direct the subconscious to take away that condition, it positively will be removed.
The subconscious doesn't merely posses the power to remove unsuitable conditions from the physical or mental state. It may likewise produce those better conditions that we want, and develop further those suitable conditions that we already possess. To apply the law for this purpose, deeply desire those conditions that you do want, and have a clear idea in your mind as to what you want those circumstances to be. In presenting the subconscious directions for anything desired, we should always have improvement in mind.
Whatever we consider deeply or intensely, the subconscious will absorb and develop further. Therefore, if we consider our failings, shortcomings or bad habits, the subconscious will take them up and give them more life and activity than they ever had before. If there's anything that we wish to change, we ought to simply proceed to build up what we want and blank out completely what we wish to wipe out. When the good evolves, the bad disappears.
If you have some great aspiration that you wish to realize, direct the subconscious many times every day and every night before you go to sleep; and if you're determined, those things will be forthcoming. It's essential to remember that we have to center on the one thing wanted. If your mind scatters, you’ll confuse the subconscious and it won’t be secured.
If there's any circumstance you desire to get rid of direct the subconscious to give you that information to find a way out. The subconscious can. We all remember the saying, "Where there is a will there is a way”, and it's true. If there's any talent that you wish to evolve further, direct the subconscious daily, and as frequently as possible, to enlarge that talent and to increase its power.