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When you conduct your first pole dancing party, you may be a bit nervous. Relax and remember that everyone who attends the party is probably a little apprehensive about pole dancing. After all, most people associate pole dancing with stripping and this idea of exercise and home parties is far from mainstream.
You are going to have to set up the party with your hostess. She will then solicit people to come to the party to learn pole dancing. She will charge a fee for each person to attend the party. The hostess needs to get something for hosting the party to give her an incentive. One thing she will get is free lessons. She will not have to pay for the pole dancing lessons.
In addition to the pole dancing lesson, the hostess should also be able to choose from a variety of different gifts. These should all be contingent upon her having enough people at her party. For example, you can give her a $50 spa gift certificate if she has 10 people at her party, a $100 gift certificate if she has 20 people at the party.
Do not use money as an incentive with the hostess. The reason for this is that if the other partygoers find out that the hostess got a percentage of the profits, they will feel duped. Share the wealthy, but never do it in cash. Reserve cash percentages for anyone who teaches a class for you.
The hostess will have to supply food and beverages for the partygoers. The partygoers get to go to the party and enjoy food, drinks and learn how to pole dance. All for a price. Figure on about $25 a person, and that’s being very reasonable. You can set your own fees. It is not unusual for some pole dancing instructors to charge $50 a person.
It is important that you portray yourself as an expert in pole dancing and that the hostess makes it clear to her friends and family who are coming to the party that they are paying for your expertise and lessons, and not paying to come to a party.
Standard home parties usually are free, but the partygoers are expected to buy something. This is true with mainstream home demonstrations or parties. The one exception to this is when lessons or some other area of expertise is involved. In these cases, people pay up front but have nothing to purchase when they come to the party.
Many women would prefer to go to a home party where they pay up front for lessons, astrology predictions, fortune telling or hypnotism than a party where they will be hounded to purchase something that they really don’t want and will then be hounded to sell that item. People are not stupid and know that there is no such thing as “free.”