Ebook Sample Content Preview:
So here you are: You have developed a great podcast, with excellent content for a very tight niche. And you are prepared to podcast on this topic with top-notch content for a long time to come. Now what?
Now you have to get your podcast out into the world to be heard. Many broadcasters to simply podcast for personal interest or to get their opinions out into the world, don't bother to market their podcast. And perhaps, if you have a small and fait hful fo llowing that might be all you're interested in. For example, maybe you are pastor at a church and it doesn't matter to you other people outside of your congregation hear your podcasts, as long as they are available for your parishio ners. That's fine.
But there are many people, especially business podcasters, who need to be heard. Perhaps you need to be heard because of the importance of your sell your product and put food on the table, whatever the reason is, you need to do your podcast out there.
The first in you want to do is submit your podcast to the podcast hosting sites ment ioned in a previous chapter. If you haven't done that already, take time to be that right away. Don't just submit to one, submit to all of them.
The next thing you need to do is to make sure that your market ing material (if you are a business) contains the web site on which your podcast is hosted. For example, if your company has a web site, make sure it's on your market ing material. Then go on to your company's web site and make sure that the podcast is easy to see. Lots of companies have very busy web sites which makes it difficult to notice if there are new items on the page. You might also want to put on your market ing material something along the lines that of "subscribe to our podcast."
Just plunking down your podcast on your web site and a web address on your marketing material will not get you very many subscribers. It could get some calm and that's great, but just like any other product that you sell you need to give people a reason to subscribe to your podcast.
If you haven't noticed, this chapter talks about content and niche market ing but the underlying secret of both of those is value. When you offer a value, people will come to you. If your product solves a problem, they will buy it from you. If your service benefits someone, they will buy it from you. If your podcast helps them in some way, they will subscribe to it… or even buy it from you.