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Print-on-Demand Printers and Publishers
A&A Printing, Billy Ashby, 6103 Johns Road #5-6, Tampa FL 33634; 813-886-0065; 866-886-0065; Fax: 813- 884-0304. Email: billy@printshopcentral.com. Caters to self-publishers and first-time authors for short-run book printing in runs from 50 to 3,000. Capabilities include digital and offset printing as well as short-run four-color book printing.
Advantage Media Group, Benjamin Toy, P O Box 272, Charleston SC 29402; 843-414-5600; 800-848-3180; Fax: 843-414-5610. Email: btoy@advantageww.com. Motto: We bring dreams to life. Works especially with professional speakers, providing on-demand, self-publishing, and co-publishing services.
Alexander's Print Advantage, Gwen Gades, 245 South 1060 West, Lindon UT 84042; 801-224-8666; 800-574- 8666; Fax: 801-224-0446. Email: gweng@alexanders.com. On-demand digital printing as well as offset printing. Ames On-Demand, Jose Colon, 12 Tyler Street, P O Box 120, Somerville MA 02143-0120; 617-684-1132; Cell: 617-501-1879. Email: jcolon@amesondemand.com. On-demand books, perfectbound or wire-o.
Angel Printing, Vladimir Medvinsky, CEO, 237 Luiseno Avenue, Oceanside CA 92057; 760-967-0492; Fax: 760- 967-0496. Email: vladimir@angelprint.com or books@angelprint.com. “We offer 1 to full color offset and digital printing services. In-house we produce short run book printing, and work with web-printing facilities to produce large book printing orders. Angel Printing also offers graphic design capabilities, which most authors find extremely useful.” Also printing on recycled papers with soy-based inks.
Annex Print and Mail Solutions, Jeff Lazerus, Director, Digital and Imaging, 4721 Ironton Street, Unit A, Denver CO 80239; 303-393-1883. Full-color high-quality books for the short-run and print-on-demand market. Apex Book Manufacturing, Almad Meradji, CEO, Alpharetta GA. Email: ahmad@apexbm.com. Opened for business on April 1, 2007.
Apple iPhoto — Users of its software can order bound volumes of their photos. Tiny 2.6 x 3.5 inch softbound books cost $3.99 for 20 pages and 29 cents for each additional page.
Area Printing & Design, Neal Sumlin; 678-325-2732. 877-268-9110; Fax: 678-325-2733. Email:
csumlin@areaprinting.com. Custom on-demand books.
Author House, Director of Author Promotions, 1663 Liberty Drive #200, Bloomington IN 47403; 812-339-6000; 800-839-8640; Fax: 812-339-6554. Publishes 500 to 600 titles each month. Writers retain all rights (and are free to publish elsewhere as well). Royalties go as high as 30%. Among their authors are Amanda Brown, author of Legally Blonde; Buddy Ebsen, author of Kelly's Quest; and Thomas Hargrove, author of Long March to Freedom.
Automated Graphic Systems, Adam Rutkowski, Manager, Print-On-Demand Department, 4590 Graphics Drive, White Plains MD 20695; 301-843-1800, ext. 522; 800-678-8760; Fax: 301-843-6339. Email: info@ags.com. Ohio Office: 8107 Bavaria Road, Macedonia OH 44056; 330-963-7770; 800-362-6134; Fax: 330-963-7771. Owned by Consolidated Graphics. Provides customers with the ability to build an online digital library where they can order books from quantities of 5 to 500 with a variety of binding options (perfect, plasticoil, wire-o, and saddlestitched. Aventine Press, Brion Sausser, Managing Editor. Email: editor@aventinepress.com. “Aventine Press is only a little over two years old, but in that time we have published in excess of 100 titles, many of which by previously published authors. Our goal however, has never been to become a mill to churn out vast numbers of titles. We take pride that in our brief history numerous independent reviewers have given our company high marks in quality, value, and customer care.”
Axess Purchasing Solutions, Print on Demand Division, Edward Busse, Director Sales/Marketing, P. O. Box 500835, Atlanta GA 31150; 770-521-9939; Fax: 770-521-6022. Email: axess@mail.vu. “We specialize in short, medium, and long runs (100 - 100,000), and can perfect-bind or case-bind to all sizes (5.5 x 8.5, 6 x 9, 7x10 and 8.5 x 11). We have both digital equipment and offset equipment to maximize each end of the printing spectrum and provide impressive pricing and turn-around times.”
BeWrite. A oon-submission POD publisher that accepts about 20% of the submitted materials, charges nothing for the author to be published with them, appears to do great covers, and works well with authors. Blitzprint Inc., Pete Friebel, Vice President, Book Division, 1235 64th Avenue SE #3, Calgary AB Canada T2H 2J7; 866-479-3248; Fax: 403-253-5642. Email: pfriebel@blitzprint.com. “We are a no-nonsense POD manufacturer, with a focus on helping authors print top quality books, not collecting upfront fee