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Introduction To Creating WordPress Plugins
If you are looking for a hot product niche that has a wide and established audience base, look no further than WordPress plugins. The WordPress blogging framework has been installed over 1 billion times all over the world. That’s right-your eyes are not fooling you-you read that figure right. There are over 1 billion WordPress-powered sites on Earth and the number continues to grow. That’s a huge market!
Best of all, a significant chunk of these WordPress installations are owned and managed by people who are serious about the success of their websites. They understand that they need to invest in their business in order to grow and earn more profits.
A large percentage of these individuals wouldn’t hesitate to spend money on WordPress plugins that will help them solve key problems that may get in the way of them earning more from their WordPresspowered websites.
Maybe they want their posts to look a certain way. Maybe they want more visitors to their blogs. Maybe they want more people to sign up to their mailing lists. WordPress blog owners face tons of challenges and they understand that the most efficient, quickest, and pain-free way to solve their sites’ issues is through the use of WordPress plugins.
Thanks to WP’s architecture, WordPress blog owners only need to unzip, upload, and activate plugins to give their WordPress installation a wide range of new functionalities. From email collection forms, special formatting, video presentations, and many other tasks, plugins make adding amazing functionalities to WP so easy. There’s no need for blog operators to be PHP, Javascript, or HTML 5 gurus. They just need to download, unzip, upload, activate, and configure a plugin to enjoy their site’s new functionality.
WordPress site owners and operators are always on the lookout for plugins that can help them solve their problems. This presents a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY for entrepreneurs like you! You only need to find common problems WordPress owners report and build plugins that solve these problems and you’ve got yourself a potential HIT PRODUCT that you can market on JVZoo, Clickbank, and other online sales platforms.
Are you ready to tap a HUGE global market for WordPress plugins? Keep reading and I’ll step you through the process of finding the right ideas, turning them into software specifications, getting your software coded, and selling your finished WordPress plugin product!
Research Profitable Plugin Ideas
Your first step is to find problems WordPress owners would want solved. While you can search for questions on Google and end up with random blog posts that might lead you on a wild goose chase, there’s an easier way to find common WordPress problems tons of blog owners might pay to get solved via plugins. How? Quora.Com
Quora is a powerful question and answer engine that is like Yahoo Answers but on steroids. Quora gets tons of views and is shared widely on social media as well as ranking highly (for many queries) on Google and other search engines.
Use Quora’s internal search engine to find questions related to WordPress. Look for similar-looking questions. This indicates people have the same basic question but they ask it in different ways. Pay close attention to how many users follow the questions.
If you find questions that ask about the same problem and their questions, as a whole, get a lot of follows, you have found a WordPress problem or functionality inquiry or request that MIGHT have a sizable audience.
Look for as many of these in demand solution requests/problems as possible. Remember to list only those that are followed by a lot of other users.
Dig Deeper And Validate Your Idea
One you have a list of functionalities or questions or feature requests, the next step is to go outside of Quora to validate the demand. Search for phrases related to the problems identified by your Quora research.
Do you notice lots of Google results discussing the same problems? If so, this is a good sign. If not, the problem might have a very narrow audience and is probably not worth your time and money developing into a plugin.
Next, look up forum discussions of the problem. Find developer or online marketing forums and see how intensively people talk about the problem. If you notice a lot of chatter, you are definitely on the right track. If you don’t find any forum discussions about the problem you’re thinking of solving via a WP plugin, this might be a red flag.
Finally, look up Twitter mentions of search phrases related to the problem you’re researching. Do you see at least some Twitter conversations? If so, you’ve got yourself a hot problem and you can then take the next step.
Determine What The Software Will Do
After researching all the Quora, Yahoo answers, forum, blog comment section, and social media discussions about the problem you’re researching, you should be familiar with the solutions people talk about. People might be mentioning all sorts of solutions.
It’s not uncommon for a thread starter to present a question only to get lots of answers using all sorts of approaches.
Look for the simplest solution offered. Usually, the simpler the solution, the easier it will be for you to spell out the software’s specifications. This also makes it easier for the coder you select to develop the WP plugin you wanted built.
Create Your Design Specifications
Once you have identified the simplest solution (usually the one that indicates the shortest distance from Point A to Point B), create a spec sheet.
Generally, WordPress plugins have basic parts: Interface, function, input, and results Try to create a step by step description of what you would like your plugin to do. Start at the core functionality you want the plugin to do.