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The next way I want to talk about generating leads is using integrated cross-promotions.
I think Mark Joyner coined the term integrated marketing.
Well integrated cross-promotions are different kinds of cross promos that you have with your joint venture partners other than ad swaps, click banking, or anything like JV giveaways.
These are different because these are integrated into your marketing on autopilot, so you to think about the different parts of your marketing systems that you can integrate some kind of joint venture link to.
For example, on your download page, you might have a banner that leads to one of your JV partner’s squeeze pages and they have the same for you on their download page.
That would be an example of an integrated cross- promotion.
So instead of monetizing that part of your download page with an offer, what you’ll do is do an integrated cross-promotion with one of your joint venture partners.
Another way is to cross promote your joint venture partner in your follow up series.
So in your email follow up series, maybe your fifth email in the follow up series will promote their squeeze page and their fifth email in their follow up series will promote your squeeze page.
Another way is through P.S.’s of your emails that you send out.
So when you’re sending out an email to your list, you can make a deal with one of your joint venture partners to always promote their squeeze page in their P.S. and they have to do the same for you.