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When starting to train a cat, a couple of things you will want to take in consideration. Learn more about your cat, have the proper tools to do the training and have lots of patience. Setting goals to high for you and your cat at training can get very stressful. Make it simple and fun for your cat training, then both you and your cat will enjoy the bonding from the training.
The right tools are essential when training your cat. Many different items, books, articles, and places will help you with all the items and information that you and your cat will need.
One of the first places that should be checks out is at the area vet. You will want to take your cat in for a check up. A cat that is ill, sick, or has something wrong with the bone structure is not going to be easy if at all trainable. With the help from your vet, they will be able to help you with some ideas about training your cat.
Getting as much information as you can, now that you have taken the cat to the vet and have gotten ideas and information from them, now is a time not to stop learning for yourself about your cat. Look for books and magazines that give good advice on training your cat. Especially if the cat may have a small defected this will be a good time to research for books and articles on the particular training that you would like to do for your cat . Check on the internet for articles on cat training for all types of behaviors and life styles of your cat.
Age and type of cat also does play a part when training your cat. The older cats and cats that are ill will not tolerate a lot of training if at all. There are many articles out on the market and internet to help with this issue.
Patience guidance, caring, and nurturing you cat will be a big asset when training your cat. NEVER harm your cat in anyway, they will not enjoy it, and can cause the cat to have a fear of you in return the cat will not come near you. By using a strong “NO” or loud noise to let the cat know that you do not approve of the behavior is the best way.
Allow the cat to use the natural behaviors and instinct with some of the training. We all would love the prefect cat that does nothing wrong and sits still on our command. This is not a good idea for a cat. Both you and the cat would be nothing but stressful
There are ways of training and using the behaviors, which you and your cat can both benefit. If the cat likes to scratch, buy or build a scratching post. If they like to jump, set up a hoop or stick, with working with your cat you will soon see this behavior going in the good behavior.