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If you run your own business and focus your social media marketing efforts only on platforms like Twitter and Facebook, you aren’t alone. But that doesn’t mean you’re in good company. Some of the world’s largest brands use Pinterest to market their products and services. Why? It works.
While other social media platforms are becoming more visual, Pinterest got there first and did it best. In a world where we have to grab a new viewer’s attention in 7 seconds, Pinterest can do that for you with a minimum of text because you image says so much.
What is Pinterest?
Pinterest is a visual bookmarking tool where people look for and save new and creative ideas. The idea you bookmark is called a pin, and add pins to different boards that you create so all the information you save is organized, so it’s easy to find later when you want it. Plus, every pin you post on your Pinterest boards includes a link to the site where it originates from, so you can always go directly to the source to learn more details or to buy products.
Imagine looking through a catalog or an online store. What usually grabs your attention for an item first? The text description? Probably not. It’s much more likely the image of the product is what grabs you. After that, you read the text to learn the details. This is the exact premise Pinterest is built on. So you can see, just about any business could utilize Pinterest to grow their brand recognition, gain exposure, improve website traffic, heighten social media engagement and generate more revenue!
If you believe you don’t have time to manage one more social media platform, consider these statistics.
• 93% of Pinners use Pinterest for planning purchases.
• 87% of Pinners have purchased something because of Pinterest.
• 72% of Pinners access Pinterest to determine what to buy offline.
• Over 5% of all referral traffic to websites is from Pinterest.
• Millennials use Pinterest just as much as Instagram.
• The median age of Pinners is 40, but the majority of active Pinners are below 40 years old.
• Approximately 50% of Pinners have a yearly income of $50K, while 10% have household incomes of over $125K.
A wide range of age groups are represented on Pinterest, and those Pinners have a nice disposable income. Those same Pinners use Pinterest not only to get ideas, but they go there to make their buying decisions.
Pinterest, more than any other social media platform, can be utilized to improve brand recognition and make sales.
Why You Should Use Pinterest for Business
You may still need more convincing. We get it. Your time is precious, and you may not want to turn it over to compete in yet another social media outlet. To encourage you further, we’ve outlined some of the best reasons why you should be using Pinterest right here.
• Pinners are open to marketing—Around 2/3 of all pins are from businesses. People actually go to Pinterest to shop. They know they are being “sold to” there and they’re good with that…unlike other social media platforms.
• Pinterest is more of a search engine than a social media site. Pinners use the Smart Feed Algorithm and advanced search technology of Pinterest to guide them to ideas they want to explore. Sure, they share pins too, but they consciously go to Pinterest to explore fresh ideas so they can share them.
• A Pin has a shelf-life of 160% longer than on other social media platforms! To be successful on other social media sites, you have to continually put your content out there, so people don’t miss it in their feeds. If someone isn’t on their profile when you post on most social media, they won’t see it. But content on Pinterest is always at their fingertips. Most Pinners use the search feature on a regular basis, which means your content stays evergreen and available.
• Active Pinners have a 9% higher household income than any other social media users. Add to that fact that Pinners use Pinterest to help them make buying decisions and you’ve got a huge reason for adding Pinterest to your social media marketing!
• Pinners state that they use other sources of media, such as TV, magazines, and catalogs less frequently than the average consumer. What this means to you is that you can utilize the free power of Pinterest to reach sought-after demographics while keeping your marketing budget low.
• The average purchase from a Pinner is $58.95, which is higher than any other social media outlet.
• Pinterest offers popular keywords and trending products in their search bubbles in real time. This means you can use Pinterest to learn about emerging trends in any industry or niche. This gives you the competitive edge. And, using Promoted Pins allows you to track what products are growing in popularity or are losing it so you can improve your business products and services before everyone else.
• Pinterest continues to grow in popularity with different demographic groups, including men.
• The referral traffic from Pinterest is second only to Facebook. Twitter, for example, only refers approximately 1% of all traffic.
With Pinterest’s growing popularity, now is the time to get into the game. Another important point for you to know as a business owner looking for marketing mojo—most businesses use Pinterest ineffectively, if not downright wrong. By learning what we have to teach you in this eBook, you will have what you need to use Pinterest the smart and savvy way. Watch out, competition!
Now that you’re convinced let’s get started!
Pinterest Basics: Getting Started
Although this eBook focuses mostly on smart ways to make a splash with your marketing efforts of Pinterest, it's important to start the way you mean to go on. For example, many business owners who use Pinterest don't use a Business Account. This is a shame because that type of account offers some of the most important features for businesses.
A Pinterest business account offers:
• Rich Pins
• Promoted Pins
• Analytics
All of which we will discuss further later on.
If you enjoy using Pinterest personally, don’t worry. You can keep your personal profile and add a business one to it! And, you won’t lose anything!
To get started, go to Pinterest and chose:
1. Start a Business Profile
2. Convert your Personal Profile into a Business account.
Your next step is to fill out your profile completely, including most recent headshot or logo. Add a good description of what your company does. Add what you are passionate about and what you love to Pin. This will help Pinners find and connect with you.
Don’t forget to include your website address in your profile. You’ll need that to verify your site, which you must do to access your Analytics.
To learn more about setting up your Business Account, go here
Next step, verify your website. You can find step-by-step instructions on how to do that here
Once you’ve verified your site, you can request access to Rich Pins. Now’s a good time to do that, so you’ll have the ability to do it when you’re ready for it.
What are Rich Pins?
Basically, Rich Pins provide more context about your idea because they show the visitor additional information directly on the pin!
Pinterest describes them as:
"Rich Pins are Pins that include extra information right on the Pin itself. Currently, there are four types of Rich Pins: recipe, article, product, and app."
This is a great benefit to businesses because it lays out more of the information people will need to know about your business. Here’s a rundown of how Rich Pins can provide outstanding marketing value for your business: