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What Is Pinterest?
In case you haven’t heard of the site, or you just haven’t used it before, let me explain a little bit about what the site is, and what it is used for.
Pinterest is like of like a virtual corkboard. You’ve probably seen these in schools or offices, or you may even have on of your own. If you haven’t, they’re typically framed squares of cork that you can use push pins or thumbtacks to affix things like notes and pictures to in order to plan things or remind yourself of things.
Pinterest works the same way. You create “boards”, which are basically like folders on a computer, and then you “pin” pictures or videos (which can link to other websites) to those boards.
For example, you might create a board called “Recipes” to which you might pin pictures of various dishes you’d like to try the recipes to. Then as you browse through your board, you can see all of those pictures at a glance, which can help you decide quickly which one you’d like to try at a given moment.
Think of Pinterest sort of like a visual bookmarking system. Ever tried to wade through hundreds or even thousands of bookmarks with nothing to go on but the page titles? It’s brutal. Pinterest makes it easier, because your bookmarks have photos representing them!
It’s pure genius when you think about it, and users love it!