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Each person has been gifted the two opposing energies so that a balance can be made of an individual’s character and personality. These energies include positive and negative forces, which draw the consciousness of a person in different directions. If the person is more influenced by the positive factors, it contributes in the overall development of the self but if the person is trapped by the negative forces, his or her life becomes miserable.
The negative factors can be jealousy, hatred, maliciousness, lust, greed, treachery or and other evil force. They guide the conscious and sub conscious mind of a person and the result is that the person develops negative thinking and intentions towards his or her own life as well as for others. It is very important for an individual to take out the negative intentions so that the heart and mind can be purified with positive and rational thinking.
The aura of an individual is an active energy that contributes in gaining spiritual energy so that self defense can be possible. It is the lively personification of an individual’s spirit or soul. The aura inside a person is very strong and has the capacity totally take hold of the inner feelings and thoughts so that an individual can develop a shield to protect himself or herself from threats.
The aura of an individual is an intrinsic part, which remains subtle when an individual meets others around. This inner force has the capacity in providing strength to the inner self of an individual. Many philosophers believe that the mind of an individual can be given a lesson to generate positive and spiritual energy or strength towards a right goal so that a psychic shield can be formed which will protect the person and become his or her tool of self-defense.
The self-defensive shield is a type of safety guard that is formed around an individual, which protects from the evils and negative thoughts that would harm the personality and self and could make him or her feel inferior from others. To strengthen the self-defense shield, one has to realize his or her potentials and weaknesses so that the shortcomings can be altered. The aura, which is present deep inside us, also gives us strength to overcome our fears and come out of our niche in true colors.
Meditation is one of the most effective practices that is widely used and admired because of its successful results. When a person meditates, he or she is able to link the inner self and mind so that the voice of the soul can be listened which directs an individual towards the right path. One also has to consider and work upon the self-defensive capabilities so as to strengthen the aura. An individual starts the process of imagining the presence of the spiritual energy around himself or herself and this presence of the aura makes him or her happy and tension-free. With the passage of time, the person becomes contented and forms a layer around him or her so that no evil external force can draw him or her towards them.
Our will power plays an important role in strengthening the imagination of the presence of aura around us. If a person decides that he or she can do a particular task but the negative forces are compelling him to quit that work, the will power should be strong enough to overcome the weakness and complete the task with great efficiency. Yoga has also proved to be successful methods of realizing the aura within oneself and by practicing the yoga postures, one is able to collect a bag full of strength that rejuvenates the whole personality and in turn helps in the self-defense process. Learn from experiences.