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To transform our physical life, we must first transform our nonphysical world of thoughts and beliefs for it is here that the seed begins to sprout into physical reality. Changing the physical is easy. Changing our mental habits is not, yet change we must or we will continue to stay in our present circumstances.
After all, if we do the same things day after day, we can only expect the same results. If we sincerely want to change - to transform our life - we must change our present mental habits. Our success depends on it.
Here's a suggested Daily 5-Point Checklist you can use to check your mental habits and keep your mind in a predominantly positive mode. Each point serves as a signpost for you to pause, bring your mind back to the present moment and to re-direct your mind from your "default" setting to one with a higher self awareness.
You may start with one point and gradually increase to two, three, four and five. You may even change the sequence to suit your personal style or be creative and create your own signposts.
The aim is to ultimately be able to keep your mind in your new "higher self awareness" mode throughout the entire day. The five points are merely reminders to yourself to pause and reflect and be mindful again since we so often lose ourselves in our daily routines and run on our auto-pilot program that is detrimental to our progress.
It is important to have these intermittent pauses in our days because our "normal" day is often so rushed that we are almost completely unaware of ourselves. Pausing helps us to slow down.