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Chapter Five – Commitment and Consistency
Nothing happens overnight, and success doesn’t generally arrive overnight unless you are a prodigy, or it is, in fact, the result of many years of working towards your success (or you’ve won the lottery…but don’t hold your breath, just in case). When problems arise and difficulties set us back, it is essential to keep sight of the long term goal, and not to become disillusioned.
Part of a good self development plan is building in a commitment to pick ourselves up and start again, should set back or disaster strike. In fact, it is really a question of learning from any mistakes we make, analyzing how and why things didn’t work out as planned, and making sure lessons are learned for the future.
Learning can, and should be continuous. None of us ever know everything, and all of us can learn from other people, from their experience, and from their achievements or setbacks, as well as our own.
So learning not to fall into a stale routine when things don’t go right is really important. Your self esteem is not directly linked to any one project, any one target, or any one goal. Your self respect and self esteem is linked to your ability to deal with things as they occur in life. Finding solutions to problems is important, but the process is also important.
Someone once explained to me the difference between being problem centered and solution oriented. If all you can do is think about the problem, you are not really working your way to a solution. If you are determined to find the right outcome, you will be able to see the problem clearly and what is possible to rectify the situation.
Most management training courses will recommend not being problem centered, or ‘stuck in the cornflakes’, as one manager described it. For many people, the path to self improvement can only really begin when we learn to stop feeling guilty, or worried about past events and actions. In other words, allowing our life chances to be held back by being stuck on old problems.
Going forward and developing your future in a positive and healthy way almost certainly means that you need to shed some of the angst of the past.If you are still worrying about something you did or didn’t do in the past, or a have a feeling of failure or inadequacy that just hangs around you, you really need to let it go.
You can’t go back and undo anything that you did. Nor can you go back and do something that you didn’t. If you live in the past, this is only in your mind. You can’t go back to the time of the event that keeps nagging you. You can only decide either to allow it to continue to torment you and hold you back, or decide that its time to let go, put whatever it is in the past, and move forward.