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50 Organization Tweets
1. Set your timer for 15 minutes: clean as much of your kitchen as possible.
2. Turn off the TV while you pay your bills. You’ll make fewer mistakes.
3. Ban cell phones from the dinner table. This goes for adults too.
4. Use empty toilet paper rolls to store socks to keep them organized.
5. Use an online planner to get control of your schedule.
6. Put magnetized paper and pen on your fridge; write down anything you run out of.
7. Do you know the steps to getting organized? Write it down; become clear; organize it; double check; and then just do it.
8. The best organization tip is to learn to say no. Don’t put more on your plate than you need.
9. Meal planning is a great way to get organized. You’ll know what meal you’re having, and what to buy.
10. Put everything away as soon as possible.
11. To feel super organized, make your bed as soon as you get up in the morning.
12. First thing in the morning, make a to-do list for the day; especially include the top three things you need to do most.
13. Avoid making your to-do lists too long. You’ll get overwhelmed and feel unaccomplished.
14. Color code your to-do list. Red for urgent, green for “it can wait” and yellow for outsource.
15. Keep your planner up-to-date by checking it every morning and every evening.
16. Wicker baskets make great storage containers for all sorts of things in the home and in the office.
17. It only takes 10 to 15 minutes a day to organize your home if you do it every single day.
18. Multitasking is not conducive to organization. You get too distracted, lose track of your goals, and miss out on important things.
19. Keep either a notepad or a recording device handy to keep track of your ideas.
20. Journaling is a great way to stay organized. It makes you take time to think about your actions.
21. K.I.S.S. to experience more organization in your life ? Keep It Simple Silly.
22. When organizing your wardrobe, ask yourself if you’ve worn it in the past year. If not, toss it.
23. Donate anything you no longer need. It gets rid of clutter and gives you a tax write-off, too.
24. Do you have too much on your plate? If so, it could be because you don’t know how to say no. Try it. NO. It works.
25. Your most valuable asset isn’t money. It’s time. You can always make more money, but you can never earn more time.
26. Keep track of your actions to find wasted time that can be put to better use.
27. Use logic when planning your errands. Map out your day so that you get groceries when near the store.
28. Delegate and you’ll be more organized almost instantly, due to the time you get back in your day.
29. Find someone to be accountable to as you try to become more organized. You’ll stick to it longer.
30. Set deadlines for things that don’t normally have deadlines. For example, walking 10,000 steps starts with one step.
31. Can’t get that report done in two days? Tell your boss when it will be done. Focus on “can,” not “can’t.”
32. When it comes to organization, no one is ever perfect. The point is to try each day to get better.
33. Give yourself rewards when you reach a milestone or goal. Positive rewards work even when given to yourself.
34. To stay organized, give everything you own a “home” and put it back as soon as you’re done using it.
35. Remove all clutter from your desk at the end of the day. You’ll feel more accomplished and stop putting things off.
36. Planning + Preparation = More Time & Better Organization.