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Chapter 5: Conversations
First dates are usually quite stress full as both parties are intent on making a good impression on the other.
If there is the added pressure of not know what to talk about, then the date is probably headed for disaster. Therefore it is very important to be armed with some good conversational topic and ready content to get the date off on the right foot.
The following are some of the conversational starters that should be considered if the individual wants the date to have some chance of success:
Knowing about what is going on both within the community both parties live in and around the country in general. This is often a great conversation opener especially if both parties are intellectually inclined. Other topic may be centered on the political and governmental issues and how it affects the common such as the tow people on the date.
Other conversational starts may stem from the very attire being worn or the accessories. Pick something complimenting to say about the particular article can start the conversation going as more details are divulged and tips are exchanged. Also it’s a good way to gauge the taste and preferences of the other party.
Paying close attention to what the other party is saying and contributing to the overall content of the conversation will help, alert the mind to possible interesting questions to ask on the topic and also help to introduce other topics that would be connected somehow to what is being discussed. This will be a pleasant change for the other party to note that whatever he or she is saying is being noted and taken seriously.
The most important thing to remember is to try to relax and be confident and natural. All these traits are deemed admirable and thus certainly get the attention of the other party.
Chapter 6: First Impression
Sad but true is the thought process that first impressions usually set the tone for anything and everything. Therefore it is very important to take the trouble to make the best first impression possible to ensure the desired results of impressing the other party are achieved.
The following are just some of the recommendations that should be considered when making the first impression is on the agenda for the first date:
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The attire for the night should be at least smart casual. Dressing comfortably yet neatly and attractively is very important as what meets the eye is going to be what is judged. Being careful to not dress too sexily would also be advised as the individual would not want to give out the wrong signals or cause any unwanted advances to take place. Therefore choosing the attire that makes the individual comfortable and attractive is the best way to go.
The way the individual presents himself or herself is also important. Posture and choice of sitting positions and the general body language used are all sign that will let the other party be clued into the character and demeanor of the individual. The presence of confidence, of lack of it can be clearly deduced for the posture and the way the individual handles things. Confidence and alertness are both attributes that should ideally be displayed on the date.
Learning how to throw out a compliment or two without sounding insincere is a very important style to learn and adopt. Being able to compliment something about the other person will call attention to it in a positive say and this will ensure the other party stays flattered and happy because his or her efforts have been noted. People often respond well to compliments and this can set the positive tone for the date.
Chapter 7: After Your First Date
In most cases the action taken after the first date, will have some bearing on the eventual direction the relationship will take. Although it is still commonly perceived to be the man’s prerogative to make the first move after the initial date, most women today find it bothersome to wait, especially if they had a good time and so make the move instead.
The hesitation, if any is mainly due to the fact that neither party wants to be rejected, thus the hesitancy to initiate contact immediately. There are also a lot of doubts for both parties if the period between the next contact is prolonged. However most experts would advice a comfortable waiting period, as this will give both parties the time to digest the events of the first date and the general characteristics of each other. Rushing into a second date will not allow either party the excitement and suspense that would ideally heighten the prospect of a second encounter. However to be noted here, is that waiting too long to make contact is also equally unnerving for both parties and this only increases further with more time lapsed.
Most females enjoy discussing the first date with their friends and try to analyze every detail of the date. Advice is given on perceptions made and then the female will decide if it would be worth the effort to agree to a second date should the opportunity present itself. For the male however, the scenario is really quite different, as most males will more likely be occupied with getting on with their lives and work thus having little time to dissect the date and analyze every detail of it, and should he decide to make the next move, making contact will then be the point of contention for him. This next contact will be the only element that occupies his thoughts and actions until contact is finally made and the next date is agreed upon.