Get Access to My ‘Payment Defender Course’ and Ensure That Your Paypal Account is Always Active and is Ready to Take Sales Nonstop!
Dear Friend,
I’m sure you’ve heard of the stories about some internet marketers making thousands of cash online, only to run into issues with Paypal, making their accounts either ‘Limited’ or worse, ‘Suspended’.
I’m sure internet marketing has come up as a very enticing idea to you at some point, only that you’re too afraid of getting into trouble with Paypal.
Because if you get into issues with Paypal, your internet marketing business goes down and your hard-earned money becomes inaccessible for months.
Quite a horrible thing to happen, right?
But you wonder – how do many marketers earn lots of cash online and still continue to use Paypal for their businesses? So you might have asked yourself or someone else this question:
How is it possible that people sell so much stuff online using Paypal without running into issues?
Actually, it is quite easy to use Paypal and you never have to worry about the day when Paypal limits or suspends your account – because that day won’t be coming at all.
That is if you know exactly what needs to be done when using Paypal for your business.
Play by Paypal’s rules.
You open an account with Paypal, you use Paypal for your business, you go along with Paypal’s rules.
Sounds simple, right? But if this is the case, then why is it that there are still some internet marketers who run into issues with Paypal?
Now, you are in the right place at the right time.
As I mentioned earlier, I use Paypal for my online business.
And since this is the case, I make sure that my online business keeps on going, never worrying about Paypal because I make sure that I play by its rules.
By doing so, it’s like I’m watching Paypal’s back and Paypal is watching mine.
With this, my Paypal account remains active all the time so that it’s ready to take sales at any time of the day.
In short, it’s a win-win situation.
And, going back to what I’ve mentioned earlier, you are in the right place at the right time. Why, you ask?
Introducing my latest video training series...
Payment Defender
How To Prevent Your Paypal Account From Being Shut Down...
With ‘Payment Defender', you’ll get 12 easy-to-understand videos that provide information on how you can keep your Paypal account clear of any issues that might hurt your business, thus ensuring your success!
Now you don’t have to worry about your online business making any violations that might cause Paypal to limit or suspend your account.
With Payment Defender, you can be confident that your business will take sales 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Before I proceed further, here's the 12 videos that you'll be receiving when you purchase the Payment Defender Course:
Overview Of Payment Defender
An overview of the Payment Defender Course is provided in this video, you’ll know what exactly is Payment Defender for and how will it help you and your business with Paypal.
Scope Of PayPal Why They Need To Have Procedures
This video will give you a better understanding of what Paypal’s scope is and why do they need to have procedures.
Opening Your Account
You’ll learn what are the different Paypal account types in this part. In addition to that, information on the kinds of businesses that you shouldn’t be doing with Paypal will also be given here.
Make Sure To Become A Verified Seller
In this video you’ll learn how to become a verified seller, why you need to become a verified seller and how this can help your business.
Give Your Customers The Opportunity To Reach You
Giving your customers the opportunity to reach you gives you the chance to resolves issues your customers are having with what they’re purchasing from your business. With this, they won’t be going to Paypal to complain about your business.
Contact Paypal Before A Spike In Income
When Paypal notices a sudden spike in your Paypal transactions, normally they’d check on it and your account might end up being suspended or limited in the process. In this video, you’ll learn that getting in touch with Paypal and giving them a heads up before a product launch would keep you in the clear with Paypal, keeping your business safe.
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