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Once you place your max bid, you will be able to view estimated downloads and ad rank according to the figures you entered for your max ppd bid and your monthly spend cap. You can the go back and make adjustments by bidding again. (Multiple bidding is allowed.)
During this process, you will have the option to get email alerts if someone outbids you. You can then go back in and re-submit your bid as many times as you wish until the bidding period has ended.
Keep in mind, you will pay what your max bid is. So if your competitor bids .30 and you bid .40, you will pay that amount. Even though you could have won the bidding with .31 entry.
How do I qualify for the PPD program?
To qualify, you must have an active download on the CNET Download.com system. This can be a free, regular or premium listing. If you don’t have a product listed with the network, just sign up for an account and the submit a free listing.
There is a video included with this report that will show you how to list a product on the CNET Download.com network. Using the PPD program can increase your downloads by 150%.