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Add to that the fact that we’re much more likely to share and talk about a nega:ve experience than a posi:ve one, and it’s not hard to see how losing your pa:ence with your customers can become a major piBall.
Instead, make it a point to always be pa:ent. And take it a step further. Be proac:ve by providing your customers with the resources they need to make the most of your products and services. Collect any ques:ons you get and save them in a Frequently Asked Ques:ons document. Share those ques:ons and your answers on your website.
If you find you have a hard :me staying pa:ent with subscribers and customers on the phone, via email or social media, hire someone to take care of customer service for you. In other words, be pa:ent, or find someone who will be pa:ent for you.
You Focus Too Much On Short Term Gains Instead Of Long Term Success It’s fun to do stuff and see quick results. But oDen you trade in the poten:al for long term success with these short term gains. Let me give you an example. Let’s say you run a store. Instead of slowly but steadily building up business, you decide to run a 50% off sale. You get a bunch of people coming in. You make some sales and even make some profit. Then traffic dies down and you decide to run another sale. Again, you’re seeing some short term gains but it drops off quickly aDer the sale ends.
You are training your customers to look for those sales and only think about you and your products when there’s a sale. Instead, a beFer strategy may be to provide products at a fair price and wow your customers with great service and selec:on. Word will spread slowly but surely selng you up for long-term success. The same goes for gelng traffic for your online business. Yes you can follow the latest quick fix traffic strategy or SEO loophole. You put in a lot of work and effort !