Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Now make sure your blog looks like a blog and not like a sales page. This shouldn't be hard to do because you're NOT making sales pages, you're NOT hard selling anything. The purpose of your site is to entertain first and foremost.
Make your blog look like a blog. I'm not going to get into the details of Wordpress or blogs or finding themes that work.
I'm also NOT going to give you theme examples or blog examples for how you should style your blog.
Why Not You Scream!?
Because if I do everyone will have the exact same blog.
It happens every time I tell people to be original and use my examples as inspiration or some example themes.
They always copy the site or theme to a tee - then we get thousands of people out there trying to submit the exact same type of blog and content.
It just doesn't work when you do it like that. Outbrain will start to see all these same submissions and the overall quality of this course goes in the toilet.
If you're visually challenged - Google some Wordpress themes, find a magazine type of theme and make sure your blog looks and feels established with great images throughout, social sharing options, a filled out sidebar and so on.
A couple critically important things your blog needs:
To look great.
A way to socially share your content (I like a floating sidebar on the left)
"Related Content" - I generally put this at the end of my content, so when they reach the end of my content they will hopefully click through to more content or subscribe.
There are plugins for #2 and #3. There's no plugin for #1 as you're just going to have to make the blog look good on your own (try using StumbleUpon to look through lots of blogs to get aesthetics ideas - but generally speaking if you find a great looking theme it won't be tough.)
For #2 & #3 plugins like Sociable as well as nrelate Related Content will make your life easier. These things not only encourage social sharing (viral anyone?) but also encourage people to spend time on your website.
Tracking, Capturing & Monetization
By this point I want you to have a good looking website because we're DONE with the site aesthetics and content setup. If you're site looks like garbage or your content is low quality? Go back and fix it. If you have a great looking website and engaging content you're ready for the next step.
So obviously you're here to make money.
I monetize my blogs in a variety of ways, but my primary means of monetization is by capturing emails and making money from the list. When you have a list you'll make money from your website long after people have left.
You can setup long autoresponder chains with loads of informative content as well as promotional content. While I won't get into the ins and outs of building a list and promoting - I will say that should be your number 1 objective.
If you don't have an autoresponder it's time to step up to the big leagues and get one. Aweber is the natural choice for most, it's easy to setup and integrate into your website and has a feature rich email builder.
Not only do you need an autoresponder but you also need to setup some signup forms on your site. I always setup a right hand sidebar sign up form but if you REALLY want to get subscribers and fast, you want a popup at the end of your content. The reason is it's intrusive, it's annoying, it's in your face and it WORKS.
So what happens is you pay for only the visitors that click your link, and those that get to the end of your content then are hit with an option to sign up for your email list.
Services like Pippity are great as you can setup timers OR determine areas on the page the visitors must scroll to before the popup shows. I almost always set mine to popup as the user is reaching the end of the content.
These are the most engaged users.
Timers don't always work as well because people read at different speeds and also may get distracted and move away from the page, then if they return later and just see a popup? They'll bounce.
Now Pippity is a paid service, there are other services out there that are free but don't offer as many rich features. If you're serious you're going to need one with a few features and I'd recommend Pippity first and foremost as I've used them extensively on all my websites where I capture emails.
The great thing about Pippity is you get analytics on your form submissions.
What's that mean?
It means you can test and tweak your submission form for optimal opt-in performance. You can even track how long popups are up -which will allow you to measure if your readers are looking at it or dismissing it.
Again - I'm no sales rep for them, but finding a service like this is crucial and will pay for itself very quickly - and if you want to build a business you need to invest in the necessary tools.
Also keep the following in mind: If you want your users to sign up, you need to give them a reason to sign up. You need to incentivize them.