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Simple Affiliate Secrets
Well, not quite - but we're almost there! We just have to throw one more ingredient into the mix: Namely, your most important method of passive income growth - no matter what method you're using to generate that passive income.
And that is having your own product and affiliate program. And
(like David Risley) using the joint venture principle to set into motion. (It doesn't matter that his post had nothing to do with driving people to a passive income product: the principle is the same.)
Think of it: You're Jane Doe, with a tiny list of 78 people. You set up an affiliate program for your product - either by installing an affiliate manager script, using a shopping cart that allows you to set one up, or even (if you really don't have a clue how to do that, and you're too nervous to try) by putting your product on Clickbank, which automatically sets up an affiliate program for you as part of its service. (For a one-time fee of $50, that's not a bad deal!)
You create resources for your affiliates, downloadable from a private section of your blog that they can easily access by using the log-in password you've set up for them. Resources would include helpful items like snippets of code, banner ads, button ads, PLR, templates, headers... whatever you choose to include, to help them to sell your product!
With your new affiliate program ready and waiting, you contact a super affiliate like Rosalind Gardner, and show her the information product you've specifically created for the niche you know she supplies with product recommendations.
You wisely offer her a great commission rate (maybe even with lifetime cookies - you aren't taking any chances!)
You make sure there is nothing on your sales page that will kill her interest on the spot by accidentally diverting credit for the sale away from her.
You offer to do all the work for her - you know how busy she is -and provide her with a direct download link to your product and her own personal affiliate link on the spot, so she doesn't even have to bother signing up.
Impressed with your sales page and professionalism, she checks out your product, and seeing that it will indeed please her list (and generate sales!) - she agrees to JV with you by writing a review.
Rosalind Gardner's list is massive - she's the mother of all super affiliates! You are suddenly flooded with sales, and you capture each person who buys straight to your buyers list - after Rosalind Gardner has been credited with her commission, so you're not stealing her thunder.
All of a sudden - by writing one letter and having your sales material and affiliate program professionally in place - you've got serious traffic!
Serious traffic creates significant passive income.
And each one of those buyers - who will love your well-produced information product as much as Rosalind Gardner did - has the option of signing up to be your affiliate. And since they themselves have affiliates, you're now looking at tiered affiliate sales - where you pick up more and more affiliates indirectly, which means more and more sales. And that means ever-multiplying, true passive income.
But wait! You've planned for and added a Resale Rights upsell, giving your affiliates the chance to rebrand your product with their own picture, name and information! Not only are you making money from their affiliate sales, you're making money from your upsells.
On top of that, you had an OTO (one time offer) ready and waiting as purchasers were about to check out with their purchase. 10% of your purchasers added that OTO to their carts!
Or you offered the option to add a physical version of the product for an extra fee.
And all this came about through having a plan made carefully in advance; then making the most of material you've created.
Marketer B, on the other hand, just promoted her $497 12-CD Instruction course to her 94 subscribers. She didn't have an affiliate program in place. She used just a couple of methods of promotion.
Nobody bought it.
Information Product Passive Income
What we were just talking about was a practical lesson in using your business savvy to create passive income. It's what separates Mary Dabbler from Mary Entrepreneur.
Mary Dabbler downloads dozens of eBooks telling her how to market -but she doesn't really read them. She gets about one third of the way in, and gets distracted (triggered by a sentence or link in the eBook itself). She's off to check out some other aspect of marketing she feels compelled to learn. Finally, having spent more money and time than she ever intended, she somehow manages to create an information product. She's so exhausted by then, she just pushes it to her tiny list. Since she started off with a high ticket item, instead of building her list with lower ticket items or making sure she and her product gained maximum exposure and buzz first, she's disappointed when her product release is met with... resounding silence.
Compare that with yours - market exposure and social proof (provided by your super affiliate JV); a huge increase in your list; a product that lives up to your intelligent creation efforts (wow, only 2 returns out of 120 sales!) - and you made $5,000 with that first release! Your return on your investment (ROI) was huge, for a newer marketer!