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Chapter 5
Make Sure You Are A Good Role Model
There is no such thing as being a perfect parent. Parents have the hardest jobs in the world. It’s a special joy to raise kids, but it can be demanding, exhausting, and challenging. Plus, there is no days off. Each parent has bad days and good days. Yet, each day, you serve as a role model for your children.
Being a Good Role Model
You have to take note that your child learns from what you say and what you do. Your child also thinks the same way you do as well as copies your expressions. Before your kids go to school they have already learned a great deal of behaviors from you.
Is It Something You Should Worry about?
If you show restraint in terms of alcohol, gambling, and drugs, then there is a huge possibility that your kids will follow your example. If you’re considerate to others and you control your temper, you child will likely copy your behavior.
Are Other People Role Models for Your Child?
Friends, uncles, aunts or grandparents that spend time with your kids are role models. A coach, teacher or neighbor may also be a role model. The more positive examples your child has the better.
Having an adult who cares can make a huge difference. Even when there is conflict or life is tough, if an individual supports and cares for a child, it can make a huge difference. If there’s someone to stand by your kid no matter what, your kids will be able to get over the tough times.
Anyone may be a role model, yet the main caregivers or parents have the most influence on the child. Even if your child is now a teen and does not seem interested in you, she or he is watching you as the role model.