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Environmentally Friendly
Excess use of paper exhausts the supply of trees. These resources take several years to grow, in most cases. The reduction in the demand of paper can bring the supply in line. This will allow us to replenish the supply at a faster pace from all the years when demand was higher.
Higher Productivity
People will be able to find their documents much quicker when it is in an electronic format. While they still must implement some document retrieval system, they will not have to rely on digging through several filing cabinets before finding the documents they need. Let’s face it; most people are not organized when it comes to this.
More Shareable
Digital documents can be sent via email, saved to the cloud or sent up to other locations via a file transfer program. All of this happens in seconds whereas sending via traditional means will take much longer.
Many document management systems, and to some extend to word processing programs, allow easy collaboration with documents. Some are sophisticated enough to reflect real-time changes. The features vary alongside the costs, but there is bound to be a solution available for any office needs.
Reduction of Loss
If a document in a traditional filing cabinet gets lost somehow, there is no way to retrieve it. Unless the owner created a duplicate of the document and remembers where he or she stored it, that document is gone. While digital documents can be lost without any backup, it is much easier to duplicate, store and retrieve.