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All too often business owners fail to understand the importance of SEO and web-content, when in fact, it may just be the most important thing one can do when purchasing website traffic.
This is different from the other techniques discussed in that the "payment" goes directly into your own business. Understanding SEO will lead you to understanding the value of excellent web-content.
What It Is
SEO is Search Engine Optimization and it is king. In today's world of online marketing, anyone ignoring SEO is bound to fail. This marketing technique is the best and most efficient option available to getting massive amounts of traffic to your website. As stated above, the payment for this traffic is in the development of your own business instead of paying someone else for bringing traffic to you. Do not misunderstand; you do have to pay just differently than the prior strategies discussed. Let us delve into understanding SEO. The best way to understand why you would purchase such help as SEO, you must understand how it works, we will take this step-by-step.
First, you must understand that all information searched for on the web is categorized in some format or another and when an individual puts in term to be searched for the computer goes through its files to find pertinent information. This information is then displayed on the search engine results page. Of course, you must be wondering how the computer can gather and sort so much information in under a second. The answer is referred to as "spiders".
As with all creatures spiders must be fed and this not so living spider is no different except these spiders eat words. Web spiders are automated scripts that visit different URLs looking for the perfect matches within the site itself. When the proper information isn't found, the spider crawls through all the links within the site onto the next, again with the desire to seek the correct information.
What is the correct information? The correct information is the information that most accurately matches the search term. Now it is not that simple because we are talking about an exchange of information.
What is the correct information? The correct information is the information that most accurately matches the search term. For your information to be selected as the correct information, you must use keywords not only in your web-content but in the web-architecture as well. This is why you hear so much about key words; key words feed the spiders and if your content is properly written and kept constant than the spiders will love stopping in for a bit.
This is important because by feeding the spiders, you gain page-rank organically by constantly being indexed by search engines and thus able to be pickier about other advertising methods. If you don't get indexed, the spiders assume you don't exist!
Now, if you are offering products versus information, it is doubly important for you to have some type of web-content. You must have something for the spiders to eat. If you are wondering what content you could use for, let us say a wok, ail you have to do is create some guides. How about a wok cooking guide? Perhaps a guide informing readers on the different types of woks available is an excellent choice. Maybe, a wok cookbook or a wok cookbook for vegetarians could be offered to readers? As you see, there are option regardless your product. What is nice about offering guides is that you can have potential customers download it immediately and voluntarily opt-in to your marketing campaigns; this will build your email campaign list.
So, what does all this have to do purchasing big web-site traffic? Keep reading and you will learn the money spent h with this technique will serve you better than all the rest combined and perhaps, even cost less.