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Why Paid Traffic?
Now that you understand what paid traffic marketing is, you may be wondering why you should use it for your business.
As with everything there are pros and cons of using paid traffic. Let's break down some of the negative aspects of paid traffic first, and then look at the benefits of paid traffic.
Cons of Paid Traffic
One of the most common misconceptions about paid traffic is that it will magically provide a return on your investment.
No matter what type of product, content, or service that you are trying to market or sell, you simply cannot pay someone to like what you are offering. Even if you have the best paid traffic service available and are driving tens of thousands of people to your site on a regular basis, it is not going to make a difference if people do not like what you are offering.
It is important to research the type of paid traffic that you are going to use. For example, there are some forms of paid traffic that violate Google's terms of service agreement. You could sink a lot of money in a campaign, only to find it closed down before you get the results.
If you are planning to use paid traffic - and you should if you truly want to compete in your market - it is important to make sure that you choose a reputable platform. Some of the reputable platforms that are available will be discussed in a later chapter. Some platforms will simply send you junk traffic that will never convert. Thousands of page views sound great, but if they aren't real - what are they really worth?
Now that we have discussed the negative aspects of paid traffic, let's look at some of the reasons that you should consider using paid traffic for your business.
First, if you own a business that focuses on a specific product or service, paid traffic can really pay off. Paid traffic offers a great way to get the word out about the products and services that you offer. Here are a few of the top reasons to consider paid traffic for your website:
• First Page Exposure: Most people do not look past the first page of Google when they are searching for something. One of the best ways to make sure that your business is on the first page is to use sponsored advertisement. Google AdWords is one of the best ways to get your company to the top of the Google search engine. Spending the money to advertise your company with Google can pay off, especially if you have been struggling to reach the first page for your targeted keywords.
• Quick Traffic: Another benefit of paid traffic is that it allows you to get traffic to your website quickly. If you have a new website with little exposure, paid traffic is a great way to gain traffic in a short amount of time. It is important to remember that you should have a website that offers great content before you target traffic to it. If you have a relatively new site with little information, driving traffic to it is going to be of little benefit as people are not going to stay on your site and engage with your company. Take the time to build up your content and then begin your targeted paid search advertising campaign.
• Targeted Market: Paid traffic offers a way to directly target your consumers. Placing advertisements strategically will ensure that the traffic that you gain for your website is from consumers who are specifically looking for your product or services. Paid advertising is great for small businesses that are targeting specific demographic areas. It is possible to create ad campaigns
that are directed towards your audience in the specific area that you want to reach. You can create several ad campaigns that work together to drive targeted traffic to your website. When you are driving specific audiences to your website you are more likely to increase your conversion rate because these people have been looking for what your business offers.