Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Step two – Upload it
If you look at the image below, you will find that there is a list of products being shown. Click on the “Table tents” item and you will then be brought to the image below.
There is a list of products being shown. Click on the “Table tents” item and you will then be brought to the image below.
If you look closely, you should also be able to see that you can submit your file to them to see if the image is ready to be printed. The “FREE FILE CHECK” right in the middle of this page is easy to do and is very important.
The entire process of doing this is completely self explanatory. Just be sure to click on “table tents” before clicking on Continue. This is FREE, so this is
worth doing. It takes exactly 24 hours or less to find out if your design is ready and designed just right for the table tents. I for one do not do the File Checks any longer. I did it the first two to three times, but then I stopped. Why? The Print Runner design team is the one who designed my table tents, so I know that they know about making files that is going to at least fit the site’s requirements.
Step 3 – Get QR Code
Before you actually get the flyers, make sure that you take care of getting the quality QR code made first. After you get the QR Code, give it to the You can get this done on Fiverr for $5, but you can easily do it online with no problem. Simply visit the site below. The site is very easy to use.
Creating a nice looking QR code from this site is not tough at all. I won’t recommend any other resource since this one worked for me very well. I highly recommend that you don’t submit the QR code to the Print Runner designer unless you know that the code is working. So, use your iPhone to scan it. If you don’t own one, go to the Warrior forum and search for a thread on the topic of Qr Codes, and try to find somebody who will personally look at the QR code to see if it is working.
The website is already good enough to use and can check if the QR code is working, but nothing can beat getting real help and access. It is good to get the business owner himself to look at it as well to see if it works.
What is so nice about QRJumps is that the site is very reliable and their QR codes can be edited so that you can make the QR code jump to a different link whenever you want.
Now it is time to order the table tents. This isn’t that hard to do either. In order to get these table tents, simply go to the official Print Runner website and sign up to the entire site. Click on Login at the top and you should be able to open up your own account. Before you order any services from Print Runner, try to create your account first.
You then want to order on the official Table Tents page. I know – it is a bit nerve-wracking at first, but it isn’t that tough. Just remember, there is live support from Print Runner and it lasts 24/7. So you can be sure that they are going to be there to help you out.
Anyways, go back to the official page of the table tents.
At the bottom of the Continue button, you will see that it says Zip code. You basically type in the zip code of the area of your company to find out about the upcoming shipping prices. As you can see, the price is different for each city and state. It also gets cheaper when you decide to get the table tents shipped within a single day.
When you are ordering those table tents, it is best to always order a minimum of 50. Why? Each one is going to be placed on a table, and in case one breaks or is taken by a customer, your clients have a few more left behind to use.
How do I know that it is going to be shipped correctly?
After you place your official order, you will be able to put in your shipping address on the shipping information page as you order. Place the exact address of the restaurant in this area.
PLEASE NOTE: You can select blind shipping on the shipping option page. The truth is that you don’t want the company to know that you ordered it via Print
Runner, so you want to be very careful and choose the BLIND SHIPPING OPTION while you are shipping.
This is basically the complete service. You have done your part. If you follow this process, you will find that it isn’t hard at all to deliver this service to your clients. The key is to make sure that you actually offer great customer service to your clients and that you update them constantly.