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Do you remember that old commercial (I can't remember what company it was for) that showed two old women buying hamburgers and one of them asked, “Where's the beef?” The meat that was in the hamburger was so small that it was almost invisible and the meat is what makes a hamburger a hamburger.
A list is what makes an internet business an internet business. It is the 'meat' of a business. If it is so small that it is the next thing to invisible you just aren't going to have an internet business. It really is that simple. You have got to have a list!
There are many ways to build a list...buying a list isn't one of them so don't be fooled. You have to work hard at building your list and list building is a task that is never completed.
The biggest internet marketers in the business are still concerned with list building. They always will be and you always should be as well.
The fact it that making a first-time sale to a new customer costs you five times as much as making a repeat sale to a member of your opt-in list.
It is just basically simple math. The cost of a sale is subtracted from profit. The less it costs you to make a sale, the bigger your profit on the sale will be.
There are many, many accepted and proven methods of list-building techniques. There is article writing and marketing and E-Book writing and marketing.
There is advertising (both paid and free). There is posting to blogs using a sig tag that includes a link to your website.
There is starting your own blog on your own website. The list goes on and on and you should strive to use all of the methods available to you to build your own very impressively long opt-in list because that is where the 'beef' is!