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In the United States, over the past few decades, if you were to look at the top ten prescribed medications in the country, anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications will always make the list. This is not an accident, nor is it a fluke.
We live in a very stressful world. In fact, a lot of Americans are struggling with anxiety disorders at some level or another. It may have different manifestations, but make no mistake that it definitely gets in the way of a more effective life.
Whether you want to be more successful in your relationships, or you just want to be a happier person, or you would like to be more effective in your career, you need to deal with anxiety.
Unfortunately, this is easier said than done because the vast majority of people cope with anxiety in all the wrong ways.
If you are reading this book, chances are, you are struggling with anxiety at some level or another, or you have a loved who is. Please understand that this book teaches you alternatives that will help you overcome anxiety.
Ultimately, anxiety is a combination of your environment, your genetic predisposition, as well as your chosen coping mechanisms. Never underestimate the amount of control that you have over your situation.
A lot of people are under the impression that if they have some sort of genetic predisposition for any kind of condition that they basically have no say in what afflicts them. In other words, they really have no choice over their situation.
This really is too bad because the multi-billion-dollar pharmaceutical industry benefits when people continue to believe this.
Because if there is no individual control over anxiety and it's just a foregone conclusion, and your only choice is to go through some sort of counseling paired with psycho-pharmaceutical intervention, there is really not much you can do. You really don't have much of a choice.
Well, please understand that you have a lot more control and say over the matter than you give yourself credit for.
Now, please understand that I'm not saying that you should not get professional help in terms of psychiatric or psychological guidance. I'm not saying that at all.
I suggest that you work with a professional, but please understand that you can supplement whatever they give you or prescribe to you with things that you can do on your own. These are mindset resetting strategies that would enable you to retain control over your life.
The reason why you're struggling with anxiety is that, ultimately, you feel that you're not in control. You feel that you live in a world you didn't create and, for a variety of reasons, there is just something bad that's about to happen or you're struggling with guilt, remorse, doubt and other negative emotions about the past.
Well, please understand that the past is the past. Those facts already happened.
It's not like you can jump into a time machine and reverse what happened. Those are facts. They happened already. There is really not much you can do about them. That milk has been spilt.
By the same token, if you're worried about the future, there's really not much to worry about because things haven't happened yet. The things that you fear have yet to unfold.
The only choice that you really have is to deal with your mindset in the here and now. The more you maximize your control over your present mindset, the better your relationship with your past becomes and the better equipped you would be to handle the future when it happens.
This book teaches you how to overcome anxiety without drugs, without professional and expensive psychiatric counseling, and by simply helping you rearrange your "mental and emotional furniture."
List Down All the Things that Cause You Anxiety
This assumes that you know what anxiety is and that you have certain feelings towards certain things in many areas of your life.
This is not always the case. A lot of people have undiagnosed anxiety. They really can't quite put their finger on it, but whatever it is, it is upsetting them.
They won't label it as anxiety, but it may function like anxiety. So, to the best of your ability, write down all the things that you are aware of that cause you anxiety.
Write Down All the Things that You Fear
Since a lot of people are unclear about what causes them anxiety or what anxiety exactly is, we're going to just go by a self-audit regimen that uses strong emotions or strong feelings as a guideline. So, in this instance, you're going to list down all the things that you are afraid of. List them all out. There's no such thing as a wrong answer. If it seems irrational or almost cartoonish or funny, write them down anyway.
This is all about you. Nobody's going to read your answers. The key here is to help you get a full picture of the things that weigh you down and hold you back.
List Down the Things that You are Guilty of These are things that you are remorseful of. These are the things that you wish didn't happen. Maybe these are things that you did in the past or said in the past. Write them all down.
There's really no intensity level here. As long as you can remember it right now, and as long as it does come up in your mind from time to time, that's good enough to write down.
Write Down the Things that You are Doubtful of Do you have relationships that you are doubtful of? Maybe you feel like you don't love your parents? Maybe you feel that your parents don't love you?
Maybe you feel that you don't really believe in the religion of your parents or the religion you've chosen, or you don't have much faith in your partner? Whatever it is, write down the things that you're doubtful of.