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Make no mistake, anxiety site is one of those personal topics that are very sensitive to a whole lot of people. In fact, many people would fight you tooth and nail to deny that they are suffering from any kind of anxiety and they will tell you to your face, “What the hell are you talking about?” if the conversation somehow some way veers into something that is too close for comfort.
Unfortunately, no matter how you deny it, if you are suffering from anxiety, your life will suffer overall. In fact, you may reach a point where the only person you are fooling is yourself.
Imagine that! You're walking around talking to people, living your life yet everybody knows that you've seen better days. Everybody knows that you're not having a good time but throughout it all, you think that you are putting on a good show and everybody's none the wiser. Pretty sad situation, right? It's like wearing clown makeup and everybody looking at you trying not to laugh and you thinking that everything is fine.
Let's not mince any words. Anxiety is a mental and emotional rot that destroys you from within. It’s only a matter of time until the rest of your life falls into shambles. At the very least, your ability to enjoy life and everything that it brings to the table is severely damaged by anxiety.
It's always a good idea to get a handle on it but for that to happen, you must first understand that you have it. Here are ten of the many signs that somebody is struggling with anxiety.
If you exhibit a few of these signs, it’s time to own up to it. Stop sweeping it under the rug. Look at it straight in the eyes. Get professional help.
Is there something that you did in the past that constantly makes you feel guilty and remorseful until today? Is there an event from your past you wish, above everything else, to change? Of course, none of us have access to a time machine so the facts are the facts. Things happened in the past that many of us are not all that happy with.
However, you take it to a whole other level. You’re just extremely guilty about it. You feel that it basically defines who you are, where you're going, what you're capable of, and somehow some way poisons you're relationships in the here and now. In fact, if you're suffering from this, guilty thoughts about the past make up a significant percentage of your daily thoughts.
Everybody worries about the future. There, I said it. At some level or other, we don’t like that we can't control the future. So, many of us focus on how things could happen and what possible factors might come into play or things that we may not foresee.
This is normal; however, you may be suffering from anxiety when you take things to a whole other level. It's as if your worry about something happening in the future takes a hold of you and refuses to let go.
You’re worried about what other people would think and you’re just really going into fine detail in your head about the extreme personally disaster you stand to suffer when the thing you fear comes to pass. This puts you in a very negative emotional space. You have a tough time coping with your present-day responsibilities, duties, and obligations because you’re just paranoid about things that could happen in the future.
The fact that they don't play out the way you initially feared them to doesn’t really set your mind at ease because once wants the thing that you fear doesn't happen by a certain date, you then move on to another future point in time. It's as if you're kicking the can down the road as far as your mental peace and inner harmony go. You are never at a loss for things to worry about when it comes to the future. If any of this is true, then you might be suffering from anxiety.
It's okay to be indecisive. When most rational people don't think that they have all the necessary facts in front of them, it's perfectly okay for them to second-guess themselves. At the very least, they feel kind of uneasy about what kind of decision they would make because they have incomplete information.
On the other hand, if you have a tough time making up your mind altogether, then you may be dealing with a completely different problem. Even if you put in all the work and the time to gather information and still you can't make up your mind, you might be suffering from anxiety. You might be focused more on the consequences of making the wrong decision. Instead of making sure that all the information is lined up properly so you can make better decisions, you focus instead on some sort of guarantee.
I’m sorry to be the one to break this to you but the future is never guaranteed. Even if you have the best-laid plans and even if you’ve taken all sorts of precautions things, can and do get knocked loose. That's just what makes life so unpredictable and, if you think about it hard enough, so much fun. However, if you can't make up your mind, regardless of any advanced preparation you’ve made, you may be suffering from excess anxiousness.
It’s very easy to blame other people or situations for our personal failures. Seriously. It feels good actually because when we do that, we no longer have to change. We can say to ourselves, “Well, I’m right” or “I’m the victim here.” This relieves us of any responsibility to change. However, the problem with blaming other people or situations that we can’t control for our failures is simply going to extend our powerlessness.
Anxious people or people with high levels of anxiety find themselves blaming other people or situations for whatever is going. The more they do this, the less in control they feel. It’s as if their world has spun out of control.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why. When you place blame on somebody else, you’re basically saying to yourself that the solution lies with that person. After all, that person caused your problems, then it logically follows that they are the ones who could put everything back together.