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5 Tips to Help You Locate a Talented WordPress Plugin Developer
If you are a WordPress blogger, you have plenty to do. You have to write your blog posts, research new material, create new images and videos for your blog, and you may constantly be tweaking your landing page. The same is true if you are the CEO of your company or a busy project manager, and whether or not you are working with an authority website or an online retail shopping site.
This means you may choose to outsource certain tasks and duties, such as the de-velopment of a WordPress plugin that will improve your customer experience. Outsourcing can save time and money, increase productivity and efficiency, and provide many other benefits. Keep the following 5 recommendations in mind the next time you outsource the creation of a WordPress plugin, and you improve your odds of having a pleasurable experience.
1 – Develop a Detailed Project Brief
A project brief allows you to effectively communicate the goals of the project you have in mind. Your brief will include budgetary constraints, timeframe re-strictions, and design guidelines. Communicate who will be using the plugin, and clearly detail communication expectations. Be extremely detailed here, or the plugin you get might not be the plugin you had hoped for.
2 – Consider Toptal
UpWork is probably the most widely recognized website where you can find free-lancers that are talented in many areas. There is no doubt you can locate excel-lent WordPress plugin developers on UpWork. In some cases, you may want to consider the website Toptal for your WP plugin needs, especially if you have a detailed and difficult project. Toptal only allows the top 3% of freelance developers around the world to list on their website. This means that you may pay top dollar for your project, but you are going to get the best talent in the world for your particular job.
3 – Use WPMUDEV.org
The oddly named site just listed puts you in touch with WP development profes-sionals. When you go to the https://premium.wpmudev.org/wordpress-develop-ment/section of that site, you don't have to sift through a bunch of freelancers who do things other than work on WordPress. The more well-known freelancing websites include talented designers that work on a number of platforms, while WPMUDEV.org deals exclusively with WordPress development.
4 – Take Reviews with a Grain of Salt
Whether you locate a developer on a job placement board or freelance website, you may have access to user reviews. These are reviews left by former employers, and in many cases, they can be very revealing. Just remember to compare apples to apples. A nearly perfect user review score may have been achieved in one area, but that area of expertise may or may not apply to your particular WordPress plugin project.
5 – Start with a Small Project
If you think you may be doing a lot of work with freelancers in the area of Word-Press plugin creation, why not get started with a small "test" project? This can help you assemble a team of capable developers you can rely upon to follow a set process. It also ensures you don't blow your budget on a big project when work-ing with a developer for the first time. It gives both you and your developers a chance to get to know each other, and the better your relationship, the better the odds that the project will meet everyone's expectations.
Before You Outsource Your WP Plugin Needs, See What's Already Out There
Outsourcing can be a lifesaver for the busy professional. You have a lot on your plate. Whether you own your own company or fill some needed role in a large business, the last thing you probably need is more responsibilities and deadlines. When you realize you're going to have to take some time to find a WordPress plugin developer, outsourcing looks like the perfect solution to your problem.
By outsourcing, you hand the entire job off to someone else. You are obviously still going to communicate and set up a system of reporting and follow-up to make sure things are going smoothly, but for the bulk of the job, you are taking a hands-off approach. With all your current work responsibilities, not to mention your busy home life, this can look like a dream scenario.
Before you run off to have a developer create a unique plugin for your WordPress site or blog, see what software is already out there.